The specifications for the LineSeries dataFunction states that the
function is to return an Object.  From what I gather, it assumes that
the Object is one single data point.  However, my data is grouped a
little differently.  I would like to be able to graph my data to look
like this (this is not a screenshot of an actual Flex chart, just
something drawn in illustrator):
My data is in the form of (hopefully this notation is readable - I'm
just conveying nested arrays and objects):
[{month:String, numbers:[{date:Date, number:Number}]}]
This is the only way that I can think of to sort my data in order to get
the desired affect in the above provided image link.  The 'number'
property is the property that I want to create the LineSeries.  However,
since the 'number' property is inside of the 'numbers' Array - I can't
figure out how to get this to work because I cannot get the LineSeries
to look at nested properties.
Any examples or suggestions?
Thank you,

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