
There's a problem in list based components (List, Tree, Datagrid,..). When
we retrieve the same managed object from FDS and have more than one row, FDS
set the same UID for those diferent rows, so a list based component shows a
bad behaviour.

For example, in a Tree if we open a node, other nodes representing the same
node open and childrens shows a lot of problems (like rollOver errors,...).
That's due to the same object sharing the same UID.

As this is a problem with UIDs open since early betas in Flex 2, maybe this
could be due to some known workaround that allows retrieve the same object
with diferents UIDs....Anyone knows some workaround to solve this bug in
list components?

I try to insert a random number in the server, but this is not the
solution...maybe if I assign the UID in the server could solve the problem?

Thanks in advance.

::| Carlos Rovira
::| http://www.carlosrovira.com
::| http://www.madeinflex.com

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