Hi everyone,

maybe someone has experience with mx.logging.* usage in F2,
I was trying to implement mx.logging with custom debug application
that uses LocalConnection. I tried to use MiniDebugTarget which uses
LocalConnection as medium,
Maybe I don't understand logging correctly but I though that
MiniDebugTarget should simply logs data into listening connection (so
my custom debug target can trace incoming logs),

But what is not quite clear for me is:
- my custom Log application (standalone) need to be connected to
local connection change with well known name (say "_mdbtrace")
- I thought that MiniDebugTarget simply sends data to "_mdbtrace"
specified in constructor but in constructor it actually tries to
connect to local connection with the same name, so if my custom
loggin application is already started and listening for data,
MiniDebugTarget throws error from constructor because connection
I've ended with custom subclass of LineFormattedTarget providing
different implementation of MiniDebugTarget and that works quite well,
Now I can start my debug application at any time and my custom
MiniDebugTarget class can send data into connection at any time,

is that correct what Iv'e done (custom Debug application
window and custom MiniDebugTarget implementation) or maybe I took
wrong way with that?

LiveDocs have example of custom logging implementation:

thanks for input,
kind regards,
Peter Blazejewicz

as side-note: I want to thank to Adobe team for releasing source
files - I was be able to find what's wrong after looking into sources,

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