Hello all!

I'm styling the flex TabBar using Adobe flex explorer, and facing a
very annoying problem while trying to set the rollOver color of the tabs.

At first place I thought I could set the rollover color using the
tabStyleName's fillColors style, but this style can only get 2 colors
that determines the default bg color, unlike the ButtonBar, whose
fillColors can get 4 colors where the last 2 determines the rollover

Since TabBar extends ButtonBar, I thought that instead of using the
.tabStyleName I could use the buttonStyleName , in which I can define
rollover colors with the fillColors style which receives 4 colors,
where the last two, determines the rollover color, as the
buttonStyleName has no effect on the tabs.

This is a link to a demo project that illustrates the problem:

I will be very glad to get some ideas to get around this.

Thanks a lot,

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