Here's the basic setup.  On display 1 there is Panel A, on display 2
there is Panel B.  Both Panels contain 'CommonPanel'.

Using an external CSS file, how can I get CommonPanel to have
different styles?

I tried something like:

<mx:Panel id="panelA" styleName="level1">
   <local:CommonPanel id="foo"/>

<mx:Panel id="panelB" styleName="level2">
   <local:CommonPanel id="foo2"/>

CSS file
   border-color: #FFFFFF;

   border-color: #000000;

This is a very simplified version of the real code, where in the real
code the "CommonPanel" is nested a few layers down.

My basic goal is to have common components take on a different style
depending on the parent it's contained within.  I would like to set
the parents style via styleName and have that propagate down through
the children through something like:

Thanks in advance,

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