This is driving me nuts.  I have a form that has several textInputs in it.  
When you tab out of a textInput and you have entered something that is not 
currently in the database I create a Popupwindow with another form in it so the 
user can add more details (Quick Add for Quickbooks style) about the new text 
entry.  I'm trying to get the form that is in the popupmanager to get the focus 
and it kinda works... meaning it looks like it has focus (blue box), but when I 
start typing I start filling out the next field in the original form (behind 
the popup).  I have the form component that 'pops up', implementing 
IFocusManagerContainer and have tried just about everything to get this to 

                this.augmentPackageWindow = new TitleWindow;
                this.augmentPackageForm = new IndivdualizePackageForm;  
Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, setAugmentFocus);
                PopUpManager.addPopUp( this.augmentPackageWindow, this, true );
                PopUpManager.centerPopUp( this.augmentPackageWindow );

in the function setAugmentFocus i have stuff like....

var oldFm:FocusManager = new FocusManager(this);

var fm:FocusManager = new FocusManager(this.augmentPackageForm);

and like I said, when I run this the "focus" actually goes to the insurance 
Value field in the augmentPackageForm which is a child in the 
augmentPackageWindow, but as soon as I start typing I begin to fill out the 
next field in the underlying form.   

Help Please!

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