
I've built a flex 3 application, called application A, that uses
compiled css, in which I set Application type selector to set all text
default color to white.

Now I've got application B that uses type selector styles
(Application, Label, etc). Application B loads application A and I
want application A to be displayed the same way it renders when
running alone in the flash plyaer.

As far as I know the only way to achieve that, is that app B will load
application B into new partitioned ApplicationDomain.
This worked just fine when testing on demo project that only uses some
labels to indicate their styles.
However, when I load the real application A into application B with
new ApplicationDomain, I get all sort of obscure of runtime errors
from the flex framework:


Error: Error #1023: Stack overflow occurred.
        at Object$/_hasOwnProperty()
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null
object reference.
        at mx.managers::PopUpManagerImpl/findPopupInfoByOwner()

Please help me with this if you've got any tips for preserving styles
on loaded apps or if you've ever been into that kind of errors.

Thanks in advance,

Almog Kurtser.

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