We are populating a line chart with some data returned from an
HTTPService.  The data is xml which flex parses to an object
(resultFormat='object').  For some of the LineSeries the data is not
contiguous.  The problem is that the chart is still drawing these
missing datapoints.  It draws them at 0, although the datatips show
no value for them.  We have tried returning an empty tag or leaving
the tag out completely but the points still show up.  Here's some
sample code that demonstrates the issue without using the
Any ideas?

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
        private var xml:XML =
    <mx:Panel title="Line Chart">
        <mx:LineChart dataProvider="{xml.value}" showDataTips="true">
                          <mx:LineSeries yField="a"/>
                          <mx:LineSeries yField="b"/>

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