I'm working on a project that initially compiles and runs correctly. I
change a mx:Label control to a mx:TextArea - no other property changes
at all:

                <mx:VBox label="{data.foo}">
                    <mx:Label text="{data.bar}"/>
                <mx:VBox label="{data.foo}">
                    <mx:TextArea text="{data.bar}"/>

No pre-compile problems listed but running the project gets:

TypeError: Error #1006: getInstance is not a function.
        at mx.core::UIComponent$cinit()
        at global$init()[C:\Documents and Settings\ME\My Documents\Flex
Builder 3\Campus\src\MenuLister.mxml:4]

Even stranger....changing the control back to a Label does _not clear
the error. Meaning i'm back to code that 20 seconds ago worked and now

The first time this happened I set in some breakpoints in a few
different files looking to see where the muckup occurred...didn't find
anything - but while looking the code started working again.

The second time I can only punt to you guys.

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