Hi Mark,

your item renderer should not be worried about saving data, but
instead notifying an higher level view about the user request to save
the user interaction.
You can either bubble an event to be catched by one of its parent or
if the right component to perform the operation is the renderer direct
parent, use the outerDoceumtn.publicFunctionNameGoesHere() to avoid
unneeded bubbling.


Almog Kurtser,

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "markgoldin_2000"
> This is a combobox change event handler used as an itemRenderer in 
> DataGrid:
> public function handleDataChanged(event:ListEvent):void 
> {       
>       // update underlying data
>         data.person = selectedItem.data; 
>       // Globally store updated row
>       mx.core.Application.application.globalDataToSave = data;
> }   
> I am also trying to create a generic Save routine. For that I am using 
> globalDataProviderToSave to "remember" the modified data. But the user 
> can change multiple rows in the grids before he clicks on Save. I need 
> to store the whole grid data into globalDataProviderToSave to be able 
> to save all rows. How can I access it from within item renderer every 
> time the user changes data? Differnet ideas?
> Thanks

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