--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "simonjpalmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I have the requirement for a button which has text writton on it like
> the spine of a book, so rotated clockwise by 90 degrees.
> I have been looking at threads about text rotation but haven't found
> anything which exactly matches my requirement.  Anyone know how to do
> this in Flex 2?  Or know of a component I can grab which does it?
> Simon

Hey Simon,

a very simple solution would be to create a custom Button class that
extends mx.controls.Button.

In that class you could override the createChildren method to rotate
the internal textField (it's a protected member of the Button class
that is used to render the button's label).


override protected function createChildren():void

    if (textField)
       textField.rotation = 15;

Note that this will probably mess with the component's measurements.
You might have to override the measure method as well to make sure
that your button component delivers correct sizes.

david keutgens
software consultant
cynergy australia

web | http://www.cynergysystems.com.au

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