This is a bug with the 3.4 sdk, pick up the 3.41 , or 3.5 sdk.


--- In, Tim Romano <tim.rom...@...> wrote:
> I've run into one bug in the mx.rpc.http.HTTPService class  in FB4 beta 
> 2   -- the AsyncResponder's onResult function fires *twice* unless you 
> wire up a dummy eventhandler.  And so I am wondering if the following is 
> not also a bug:
> var myResponder : AsyncResponder= new AsyncResponder(onResult, onFault);
> var token: AsyncToken;
> token = send();
> token.addResponder(myResponder);
> function  onResult(e:ResultEvent , token:Object=null):void {}
> The token parameter is always null in the onResult function. Isn't that 
> parameter supposed to contain the token to which the Responder was added?
> Thanks
> Tim Romano

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