This is easy, just save (auto build will compile it) and run the app 
local to make sure it works.

It will launch a browser and if you look at the path you will see it 
points to an html file in the /bin dir.

You need almost everything in the /bin dir deployed/ftp to the web 
server... including AC_OETags.js, history.* and the html and swif 

You don't need a bin dir on the server > it can be at the root of a 
site and you can rename myapp.htm to index.htm and the app will load 
at the root.

hope this helps

--- In, "NileAge, Mail" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm beginner in flex builder 2  and I have a flex builder 2 
application and
> I want to compile it to release on web server.
> Plz give me an example and compilation steps.
> Thanks

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