You can use flex to build all sorts of applications, from small
rapidly developed prototypes and POCs to huge enterprise level
applications.  And it handles multimedia as good as any RIA type

I don't know much about .NET other than it has deployment dependencies
on having a Windows back end (or so I think).  I can't say whether it
is faster or not to develop on .NET vs Flex.  

In order to deploy a Flex app, you have only to worry that the user
has the flash player and if not, there are several ways you can
deliver your content anyway.  Besides the Flash player has the best
penetration stats of any browser plugin out there.

I worked with some guys at Fidelity who were cranking out a Flex
prototype app in under 2 weeks consistently.  That is pretty damn

--- In, "fahd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everyone ,
> I am a .NET developer and i read about flex as a fast application
> development environment.i chack the showcases in the adobe site and i
> find that all that applications that build using flex are a multimedia
> applications.
> my question is : 
> can i use flex to develope a non-multimedia app. like finance or
> planning applications? and is it faster ( for develop ) than visual
> studio .net ?
> Thanks for your help

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