FYI, I have a workaround.  Since selectedIndex seems to get set properly, I
do this:

     grid.selectedItem = obj;
     var si:int = grid.selectedIndex;
     grid.selectedIndex = -1;
     grid.selectedIndex = si;

Setting selectedIndex does not go through the same code and doesn't cause
the problem.

On 12/22/06, Pan Troglodytes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The following code demonstrates a bug when you assign to the
DataGrid.selectedItem property when the underlying dataProvider is an
arrayCollection using a sort assigned to it.  If you comment out the "
griddata.sort = sort", the bug goes away (as does your sort,
unfortunately).  I tracked down through the ListCollectionView source code
and everything seems work fine as far as figuring out which item should be
selected.  But it never seems to apply that to selectedItem and instead
applies it only to selectedItems.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="";
layout="vertical" creationComplete="creationComplete()">
      import mx.collections.SortField;
      import mx.collections.Sort;
      import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
      private var griddata:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
          {name:"Tim", id:42},
          {name:"Jill", id:21},
          {name:"Phil", id:99},
          {name:"Sally", id:66}

      private function creationComplete():void
        var sort:Sort = new Sort;
        sort.fields = [new SortField("name", true), new SortField("id",
false, false, true)];
        // comment out the next line and run again to see it without the
        griddata.sort = sort;

      private function btnClick():void
        grid.selectedItem = griddata[1];
        txt.text = (grid.selectedItem ? " = " + : "selectedItem = null");
        txt2.text = (grid.selectedItems.length ? "selectedItems[0].name =
" + grid.selectedItems[0].name : "selectedItem[0] = null");
  <mx:DataGrid id="grid" dataProvider="{griddata}">
      <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="name"/>
      <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="id"/>
  <mx:Button label="click" click="btnClick()"/>
  <mx:Text id="txt"/>
  <mx:Text id="txt2"/>

I have run into similar issues before, but this is the first time I've
managed to figure out that the sort was the trigger.  I have entered this on
the Adobe bug page.



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