What steps do I need to take to get a self signed certificate to work
with SecureRTMPChannel?

I generate the keystore file with something like this:
keytool -genkey -alias flex2cert -dname "CN=localhost, OU=Presidio,
O=Presidio, L=San Francisco, S=California, C=CA" -validity 3650

and configure the channel like this:
<channel-definition id="secureRTMP"
<endpoint uri="rtmps://localhost:2099"
class="flex.messaging.endpoints.SecureRTMPEndpoint" />

The server starts and I see this in the console:
[Flex][INFO] Endpoint secureRTMP created with security: None
at URI: rtmps://localhost:2099
[Flex][WARN] The current license does not support clustering;
clustering for all destinations is disabled.
[Flex][INFO] RTMPS-Server listening on port:2099
[Flex][DEBUG] Created worker thread: RTMPS-Worker-0
[Flex][DEBUG] Created worker thread: RTMPS-Worker-1
[Flex][DEBUG] Created worker thread: RTMPS-Worker-2
[Flex][DEBUG] Created worker thread: RTMPS-Worker-3

When I try to connect I get this:

'secureRTMP' channel got status. (Object)#0
code = "NetConnection.Connect.CertificateUntrustedSigner"
level = "status"

Thank you,

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