Hey flexers,

I have Sprite C which is inside of Sprite B which is inside of Sprite A 
which is inside of UIComponent A.  UIComponent A and UIComponent B are 
both children of a common Canvas.  I need UIComponentB to always be 
positioned over the top-left of Sprite C (so it appears to be stuck to 
Sprite C).  ALWAYS.  So if Sprite C is scaled or moved, if Sprite B is 
scaled or moved, if Sprite A is scaled or moved, if UIComponent A is 
scaled or moved or ANYTHING happens that would affect Sprite C's 
position, I need UIComponent B to always follow its position.  Is there 
a good way to do this?  My first thought is to poll SpriteC's 
coordinates on every enterFrame event, but it seems like it might be 
overkill.  Thoughts?



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