Hey Everyone,

I am going to make this quick as I am tired and want to get away from  
the computer for the night. Has anybody ever had an issue when using  
a transition from one state to another where you are changing the  
property of say 2 panels that have percentages for their height or  
width and specifying new percentages? I think there is a bug, but I  
have two panels laid out in a VBox. When the application starts the  
top panel is 10% height and the bottom is 90% height. When you click  
the search button in the top panel, I want the search panel to change  
to 50% height and the bottom panel to change to 50% height. When I  
run the application, Flex successfully runs the transition just as it  
should but then at the end snaps the top panel to the smallest  
allowable height (if minHeight is not set the panel seems to disappear)

Any suggestions?

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