I'd appreciate some help troubleshooting this Flexbuilder error, as I don't
recall how I resolved it the last time it drove me crazy:

Invalid Embed directive in stylesheet - can't resolve source
'Embed("assets/images/dollar_large.png")'.        FooApp    line 7

First of all there's no style sheet. Secondly the error message refers to
line 7 of a resource which is not a file. Thirdly, the error disappears
temporarily if I "touch" the library by unchecking and re-checking "src" in
the Classes tab.

FooApp is a tiny project which references a library with the following
Maven-compatible layout:


images.properties contains the following:


The main source folder is "src/main/flex" and the additional source folders

The additional compiler args for both FooLib and FooApp are:

-locale en_US  ja_JP  -include-resource-bundles=images,text

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