My first though is that it is likely something to do with the context of
the application. Likely you are not using the WAR as the root context, so
that will change the pathing. Your best bet is to use relative paths if
possible .

On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 10:06 AM, <> wrote:

> **
> I'm working on a Flex 3 project that incorporates the Squiggly library for
> spell checking. On its own, it works as desired. When I try to package the
> application as a war file for deployment under Oracle's Weblogic 11, I
> cannot get the app to work. The problem appears to be the location of the
> dictionary files; I've tried putting the 'dictionaries' directory in a top
> level 'assets' directory, I've used a 'resources' directory, I've even
> tried putting the directory (and the AdobeSpellingConfig.xml file) in the
> WEB-INF directory, but with no luck.  Anybody out there have any success
> doing something similar?

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