When I perform a Drag n Drop on one of my components I get my tool tip.  I have 
implemented a custom tooltip using Adobe's example (the one with the Panel).  
Using the DragManager.isDragging in a couple of spots I can prevent the 
creation of my custom tool tip, but it defaults to creating the tool tip with 
the single space as defined below.  Through trial and error I found the 
toolTip=" " is required in order for the custom tool tip to happen.  It's this 
default tool tip I can't solve.  The ToolTipEvent seems to be uncancelable, so 
I am stuck.  I thought about trying to call destroyToolTip() on ToolTipManager, 
but I am afraid the default tool tip will still show.  I haven't tried yet.

Thanks for any future help.

<view:MyParentContainer id="myPCont" height="100%" width="100>
private function onCreateTooltip(event : ToolTipEvent) : void
   if(DragManager.isDragging) return;
<view:MyContainer id="myCont" height="100%" width="100%" 
toolTipCreate="onCreateTooltip(event)" toolTip=" "/>
</view: MyParentContainer>

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