Would you happen to have more than Flex UI running when running the example? If yes, the it might be the temp UI generated in the upload.jsp is communicating with the wrong main Flex UI... I have seen this happen myself.
I don't think there is any way around this, the Flex UI in the upload.jsp will attempt to register with the first Flex UI is finds, so if it doesn't happen to be the one you want, then the messages won't be received by the proper UI. That's how I understand it anyways.
Jimmy Gianninas
Software Developer - Optimal Payments Inc.

From: tangomann123 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 7:29 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] File upload from Jimmy Gianninas Prob

Hi, im new to flex and read the article about fileupload from Jimmy
Gianninas. Everything works fine but the refresh of the main app wont
work with my code.

i copied the part of the upload.jsp just like in the example:
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.macromedia.com/2003/mxml"
width="1" height="1" initialize="initialize()">
      var myConnection;
      function initialize() {
      myConnection = new LocalConnection();
      myConnection.send("mainApp", "messagePosted", uploadSuccess");
      myConnection. this, onStatus );

      function onStatus( result ) {
            getURL( "_javascript_:doClose()" );


<script language="_javascript_">
      function doClose() {

Here is the code of my main as file:
function initApp():Void {
      myConnection = new LocalConnection();
      myConnection.messagePosted = mx.utils.Delegate.create( this,
messagePosted );

public function messagePosted( mess:Object ):Void {
      if( mess == "uploadSuccess" ) {

The Problem is: nothing happens after the file upload. (ok the js
works fine and closes the popup).

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