1. if (dragEvent.currentTarget is Panel)

2. currentTarget is generically typed as Object, which doesn't have an 
addChild() method. But if you have already checked that the dropTarget is a 
Panel, it's safe to do a cast:


Gordon Smith
Adobe Flex SDK Team

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of timgerr
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 12:01 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Question about getting the type of item / component with 
drag and drop

Hello all,
I have been tasked with creating a menu that gets build with drag and drop 
components. I have followed this tutorial 
(http://www.flexafterdark.com/tutorials/Flex-Drag-and-Drop) and have learned a 

I have a few questions to get to the next stage so I will ask a few questions.

1. When I drop (or drag over) an item like a panel, how can I tell what that 
UIComponent is, how can I tell that is a panel?

2. How can I get that panel as an object so I can do something like 
panelid.addChild(new dropped item)?

Thanks for the read,

Here is the code that I have from the tutorial.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="absolute"
name="Drag and Drop tutorial" creationComplete="Init()">

import mx.core.DragSource;
import mx.core.IUIComponent;
import mx.managers.DragManager;
import mx.events.DragEvent;
import mx.controls.Alert;

public function Init():void
// a mouseDown event will start the drag
this.redBox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, BeginDrag);
// accepting a drag/drop operation...
this.blueBox.addEventListener( DragEvent.DRAG_ENTER,AcceptDrop);
// handling the drop...
this.blueBox.addEventListener( DragEvent.DRAG_DROP, handleDrop );

private function BeginDrag(mouseEvent:MouseEvent):void
// the drag initiator is the object being dragged (target of the mouse event)
var dragInitiator:IUIComponent = mouseEvent.currentTarget as IUIComponent;

// the drag source contains data about what's being dragged
var dragSource:DragSource = new DragSource();

// ask the DragManger to begin the drag
DragManager.doDrag( dragInitiator, dragSource, mouseEvent, null );

public function AcceptDrop(dragEvent:DragEvent):void
var dropTarget:IUIComponent = dragEvent.currentTarget as IUIComponent;
// accept the drop
DragManager.acceptDragDrop( dropTarget );
// show feedback
DragManager.showFeedback( DragManager.COPY );


public function handleDrop( dragEvent:DragEvent ):void
var dragInitiator:IUIComponent = dragEvent.dragInitiator;
var dropTarget:IUIComponent = dragEvent.currentTarget as IUIComponent;

Alert.show( "You dropped the Red Box on the Blue Box!" );
var obj:Object = dragEvent.target;

<mx:HBox horizontalGap="100">
<mx:Canvas id="redBox" width="100" height="100" backgroundColor="Red" />
<mx:Canvas id="blueBox" width="100" height="100" backgroundColor="Blue" />


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