Re: [flexcoders] Re: Flash Remoting Options

2009-01-11 Thread Alan K

Resonably - there are no options regarding AMFPHP.

PHP 4 is really old.  Your host should offer an upgrade to at  least  
PHP 5.

On Jan 10, 2009, at 11:44 PM, Amy wrote:

Any options for earlier php versions?

Re: [flexcoders] Stupid Question - Flex width and height

2009-01-12 Thread Alan K
It would seem to me that Application.application.stage.width only  
exists when using the Flex framework.  Without Flex your just dealing  
with the 'default' Flash display list.

On Jan 12, 2009, at 3:48 PM, Wally Kolcz wrote:


Re: [flexcoders] Debugger hosed

2009-01-22 Thread Alan K

Don't forget...

RIght Click on windowed file  Debug As  Debug Configurations.

Check your settings there as well.

On Jan 23, 2009, at 12:56 AM, Alex Harui wrote:

My FlexBuilder quit debugging today. For a bunch of descriptions and  
ideas on this, please see:

Re: [flexcoders] Announcing a Flex Community Feedback Forum

2009-01-23 Thread Alan K
My impression is that this meeting will be about how the open source  
Flex SDK 'works'.  If anyone here is interested in contributing to the  
SDK, or has input on making the open source SDK more successful, this  
is the place to go.

The meeting is open, free and it will cool to hear people's thought on  
improving Flex.


On Jan 23, 2009, at 3:23 AM, Gregor Kiddie wrote:

 But is there any guidance on what questions are off limits, area’s  
to focus on, etc, as I think a lot of people will come wanting to  
talk about AIR / Flash Player rather than the SDK strictly.

Re: [flexcoders] Go and Vote for beter Flex builder! (Cache Buster)

2009-01-27 Thread Alan K
I¹d rather know how to  add the feature it myself.


Re: [flexcoders] Go and Vote for beter Flex builder! (Cache Buster)

2009-01-27 Thread Alan K
Anyone have any suggestions of good places to learn about using ANT,
particularly in context of Flex's compiler?


I'm not sure if it is necessary to change FlexBuilder to do this. Have
you tried a ant script running as a builder before your flex build.

Re: [flexcoders] *** Security Sandbox Violation *** ?

2009-02-02 Thread Alan K
I'm confused, if the app runs fine, then what is the problem?  Your getting
a sandbox error because your trying to grab data from somewhere besides the
host application's home.


I get the error message when I debug a application.the application
works fine, but I get the message in debug console.

Re: [flexcoders] How to instantiate a weak reference

2009-02-03 Thread Alan K
I don't understand.  Event pointers can be instanciated as weak.  Do you
mean an object with a weak reference to another?


var foo:Object = 'First';
var bar:Object = foo;

// destroy object foo
// foo still exists because of object bar


However, I cant seem to find any way to instantiate a weak reference,
how can I do this in ActionScript?

Re: [flexcoders] Upload images

2009-02-05 Thread Alan K

I want to Upload images from the user computer into my flex
Which instruction to use to upload images ?
Thank you,

Re: [flexcoders] Login / Password Form

2009-02-05 Thread Alan K
No, you can use a PHP file, for example, to hold and check against.

I am searching a code source exemple for a classical login / password
form in a flex application.
Did I need absolutely a database to store Passwords ?
Thank you, 

Re: [flexcoders] Sign function

2009-02-09 Thread Alan K
Do you mean 'sine'?


 need to find the sign of a number is there a sign function or method
available such as;

var mySign:number = sign(-123)

Re: [flexcoders] HTML editor for Flex Builder 3?

2009-02-13 Thread Alan K
Download Eclipse PDT and install Flex Builder as a Plug ­in.

You will have code hinting and debugging for HTML, XML, PHP as well as other
nifty stuff.


Re: [flexcoders] Unicode Normalization in flex

2009-02-18 Thread Alan K
I don¹t know anything about the technologies you were referring to, but I
created a Flex app on OSX and I had 15 different languages displayed.
German being one of them.  I had no problems.

I just set the app to use Arial MS Unicode.


Because of this issue my i was not able to display the German
characters properly on my flex application.S

Re: [flexcoders] how to use a preloader?

2009-02-19 Thread Alan K

Re: [flexcoders] Generate PDF files

2009-02-27 Thread Alan K


How to generates PDF Files from a flex application ?

Thank you,

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Help the Flex Team by taking our survey!

2009-03-02 Thread Alan K
It all worked great for me.


Re: [flexcoders] try, catch, finally ...

2009-03-05 Thread Alan K
This sounds like the try-catch is not being used as ( how I see ) intended.
As Alex mentioned, they are costly so unless you need it, skip it.

I suggest just adding an IOErrorEvent listener/handler to the caller, and
if/when the call is complete then remove the listener(s) for GC. In the
Œtry, catch¹ scenario,  your code is always Œchecking¹ for the error.


Try-Catch blocks are an absolute necessity as without them,
 you are putting the operation of your software into the hands of user input
http errors, unintended consequences as well as the myriad of things that exist
outside the ³Happy Path².

Re: [flexcoders] Login in an XML File

2009-03-11 Thread Alan K
I want to store my website login and password in an xml file.
This xml file will be on the server.
Where to put this xml file to be invisible for the exterior of the website ?

In short...

Anything accessed and consumed by the client ( a web browser ) will be
exposed to the client. When a user accesses a XML file, she is downloading
the file and parsing it.

This is whey a server side language, such as PHP, is used. With PHP, a
request is sent to the server and a response is sent back.  While the
request and response can be monitored, the script it self is not exposed.


Re: [flexcoders] flex + mysql unicode support

2009-03-12 Thread Alan K
If your app is set to use a unicode font, then you will have n0 problem.

I am displaying data from mySql database. This data some unicode text which I
want to display in a datagrid in uncide. Is this possble?

Re: [flexcoders] Re: flex + mysql unicode support

2009-03-12 Thread Alan K
Can you please provide information on this?

Google embedding fonts with Flex.  But keep in mind that the entire Unicode
library is something like 30 megs.

Also Google about localizing flex apps.


Re: [flexcoders] Re: flex + mysql unicode support

2009-03-13 Thread Alan K
Yes.  Guy and Gordon are correct - going with system default is probably the
safest. Using custom fonts with international apps will require further

There is Arial Unicode which is a Microsoft font, and is included with the
default installation of Windows.  OS X is different, somehow, but does
include international fonts by default as well.

I don't know about Linux systems.


We have an app with multilingual support and we just use the default system

Don't some device fonts (e.g., Arial on Windows?) include glyphs for large
portions of Unicode?

Re: [flexcoders] AMFPHP Question

2009-03-21 Thread Alan K
Last time I made a data driven app with AMFPHP. I used PHP and MySQL.  I did
all of what your describing within PHP and MySQL.

Everytime I querried the database, I always sent back the same kind of
object to Flex.  The object always had two properties, a Œsuccess¹ property
and a Œmessage¹ property. IF the query succeeded, then my object that I
created in PHP would be:

Œsuccess¹ = true; Œmessage¹ = query executed successfully.

Or if it failed it would be.

Œsuccess¹ = false; Œmessage¹ = [enter your custom error message here. I.e.
Œrecord already exists¹]

 I suggest making your remote object responses in a format that you repeat,
like this:

mx:RemoteObject id=myRemoteObject
 mx: method name =insertRecord result

private function _onInsertRecordResponse (evt:ResultEvent) : void

if(evt.result.success) // remember I¹m returning an object with a
Œsuccess¹ and a Œmessage¹
{ // output Œquery execurted
Else if (!evt.result.success)
{ // outputs Œrecord already exists¹
// my custom error message I made in PHP

This way, every result handler, from every remote object is in my app is
structured the same way.


Re: [flexcoders] ADG to .csv - Not finding any solutions out there

2009-03-24 Thread Alan K
When I did this, I just looped though the dataprovider, concatenating values
to a string, then save it as a file with a .csv extension.

No problem with that.  It doesn¹t even matter what kind of component you are
using. - you could do it from a combobox.

I've seen several solutions for doing this with a standard DataGrid,

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Database Viewer

2009-03-25 Thread Alan K
Dude, 4get that!

Lita is where it¹s at.



If the DB is SqlLite you can use Christophs Coenraet's application

Re: [flexcoders] Re: Weborb

2009-03-25 Thread Alan K
One cool thing about WebORB vs AMFPHP is that is how the services-config is
handeled.  I belevie that if an app is built with AMPFP, your tied to that
implementation, whereas WebORB Œs deployment is more modular.

My 2c...
I use WebORB with PHP.
