[flexcoders] Label not updating properly

2007-11-08 Thread bloodylag
Ok I have a label in my flex app.

The dispDate is defined as

public var dispDate:Date = new Date();

then in an init function I update the date through flashvars which
javascript is passing in a millisecond time.


I can alert the dispDate and it shows the updated date, but the label
doesn't update and is just the current date...

how can I make it update.


[flexcoders] Re: Access Flash through JS - FABridge?

2007-11-26 Thread bloodylag
hmm I'm not sure I understand what part is your problem.

Are you having problem making javascript calls to flex using FABridge?

You seem to have set up the fab call right in flex. Now in your
javascript you should do some of the following.

When you insert your flash file into the html, you have to set up a
bridge name via the flashvars. For example

Now that you've done that you can set up some javascript calls to
ensure the flex has loaded fine.

var flLoaded = false;
var flexApp;

var initCallback = function() {
flexApp = FABridge.flex.root();
flLoaded = true;

// register the callback to our Flex application with the 'bridgeName'
of 'flex'

FABridge.addInitializationCallback("flex", initCallback);

That will set up the connection to the flex application, to make calls
to flex functions simply do


Now to make calls from flex to javascript I normally use the External
interface call.

ExternalInterface.call("javascriptFunction", parameter);

I hope this helps

[flexcoders] Re: player update followed by redirect loses URL variables

2007-11-26 Thread bloodylag
Hey Seth,

I know this isn't a solution your looking for but is it possible for
you to store those values into a session variable to use again later
if the i and j aren't set in the url.

Again I have nothing further to suggest with the main argument you
described sorry.

[flexcoders] Re: Spreadsheet application in Flex

2007-11-27 Thread bloodylag
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "andrii_olefirenko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello guys,
> We started developing a spreadsheet application (not only a component)
> built in Flex. It's in deep Alpha stage but we are going to extend
> functionality so it will be decent and free replacement for desktop
> spreadsheet applications.
> For version 1.0 following will be implemented
> 1. Cell selection - done
> 2. ABC/123 Rules - done
> 3. Content copy/cut/paste - done
> 4. Cell editing - done
> 5. Row/Column/Cell formatting - done
> 6. Cursor browsing (Tab, Enter) - done
> 7. Basic formula evaluation - done
> 8. MS Office format support - work in progress
> 9. Data sorting
> 10. Data search
> 11. File saving on the server, on the client, loading from the server,
> from the client, file revisions
> Read more info and watch demo here http://andriyo.kiev.ua/archives/11
> I'd really appreciate your comments and critics:)
> Andrii Olefirenko

Just watched the video, pretty cool looking demo.

Though I noticed a few things

1. The part where he was showing off the SUM. He went from the inital
row to also the row where he was putting the formula (I10 - I14)
though the numbers only went from I10 - I13. 

It gave the result of 20, which I guess is right since he did 1 + 2 +
3 + 4 = 10 + =SUM(of those 4 numbers) which is 20. Though I pretty
sure normal spreadsheets will error on that, I tried it in google
spreadsheets and it throws a #REF error.

2. Will you support when doing an equation cell highlighting to
automatically fill in the equation. IE =SUM( user clicks cells and it
puts it in)?

3. Also will you have a textbox which shows the current formula for
the currently selected cell?

[flexcoders] Printing a page of flex application

2007-11-28 Thread bloodylag
Hey there,

I currently have a page of flex charts with various stats. Each chart
is a seperate flex application on the page.

Now when a user goes to print the page, of course it doesn't print the
flash areas. These flex charts are static and wont change their

Can anyone think of any solutions to be able to print the current page
with all the flex applications?


[flexcoders] Flex LineChart dynamic data

2007-12-03 Thread bloodylag
Hi peeps,

I have 4 flex charts all getting random data dynamically added through
a java applet. This is all working fine, the problem is I want a
unified x-axis for all of them. The way I see to do it is to add null
values to all graphs (except the one that gets added) whenever 1
sample comes in.

A work mate noticed that when the data fills up to the end of the
graph, flex condenses the x-axis to supply more room for data. Is an
event fired off on that? The theory being I could fill in the rest of
the charts with null values if one chart reaches the end.


[flexcoders] Re: LineChart and DataTips

2007-12-05 Thread bloodylag
cseries.filterData = false;

Setting filterData to false on a lineseries causes the datatips to no
longer show for some reason. I'm trying to find a solution to this
exact problem...

[flexcoders] SelectedIndex In A Datagrid

2008-04-15 Thread bloodylag

I have a datagrid which fills out with info via a JSON request. I want
to be able to automatically select a row on events that the
application throws itself (the datagrid isn't selectable to the user). 

I have tried to use selectedIndex to no avail. All attempts using
validateNow() etc aren't working.

The dataprovider is an arraycollection with 2 fields.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated

[flexcoders] Flex JS Variable Types

2007-09-07 Thread bloodylag
Hi, I'm building a flex charting application that receives variables
from a Java applet through JavaScript. I have successfully connected
the chart with the JS using FABridge and have most of the plotting
working successfully.

My question is about variable types when crossing the multiple
languages. The Java applet calls functions in JS, which pass through 2
ints and 1 boolean. When I do a typeof() in JS it says they are all
objects. Using parseFloat() I can convert the 2 integers to numbers
fine, which I can pass through to flex but I have to ignore the
boolean in flex. I can't seem to convert the boolean into a useable
variable type in flex.

Has anybody had experience with flex applets receiving data from java
applets or converting boolean objects?
