Re: [Flexradio] Big Power Spike with Preview 7

2005-11-30 Thread Robert W McGwier
If you are using digital mode (DIGU, DIGL),  all control for the dsp 
level control stuff is bypassed.  The power button on the front panel 
should still work but there is no absolutely no scaling whatsoever done 
inside the dsp.  It is up to you the user to get your settings correct 
from the digital programs.  If you are use VAC,  you should set the TX 
and RX scalings in the DSP/Audio/VAC control panel.  The proper 
procedure should be to set VAC at a level that will accomodate all the 
programs and then where the programs will allow adjustment, touch those 
up to compensate for disparities in settings amongst programs.  Until we 
allow a MixW profile,  WSJT profile, MMSSTV profile, etc.,  this 
is the best we can do.

Again, let me emphasize,  in digital modes (DIGU and DIGL) all leveler, 
alc, mike/ssb controls are bypassed.  It is now a completely linear 
chain on transmit.  What goes in is what comes out.  If you overdrive 
the input, you will overdrive the output.

This is exactly what was written about in the release notes for preview 
release 6.


Larry Loen wrote:
This has probably been reported and I missed it, but I had a very 
unpleasant, if brief experience last night.

On preview 7, I set the PWR control to about 23, where I customarily had 
on 40 meters, and instead of putting out the 25 to 30 watts I normally 
get, it put out max power.  As far as I know, the PA setting is fine and 
the same as on 1.4.1 where this all worked.  I can drive my amplifier 
properly with a setting of 8 (the Harris has a two stage amp).

Is there anything I've overlooked?  I'm back to 1.4.1 on digital until I 
understand this, but I'm reluctant to do experiments that are driving 
output at  100 watts by the SDR's forward output.

Larry  WO0Z

FlexRadio mailing list


Re: [Flexradio] Big Power Spike with Preview 7

2005-11-30 Thread lloen
 If you are using digital mode (DIGU, DIGL),  all control for the dsp
level control stuff is bypassed.  The power button on the front panel
should still work but there is no absolutely no scaling whatsoever done
inside the dsp.  It is up to you the user to get your settings correct
from the digital programs.

I am using neither DIGU nor Virtual Sound Card at the moment.  I simply
shut of the compactor/compandor settings and put the MIC control where it
had been in 1.4.1.  I'm not sure, at the moment, that I have it quite
right even for 1.4.1 (I may be overdriving, even with MIC at 33), but I
was making contacts and getting predictable power output, at least.

It's nice to make me responsible and all, but I was not (and still am not)
prepared for the radical change, here.  I would have expected the old
settings to be close -- this setup was what I had tried with 1.4.4 which,
while not wholly successful, at least didn't put me at risk of blowing my
finals.  I suppose I'll have to bone up on using the DIG stuff and sneak
up on the power levels, then.

My biggest problem, really, is that knowing a priori how to set PWR and
MIC have always been incomprehensible to me, especially at low power
levels.  I've run the PA calibrate several times now and whatever
parameters I choose to run it, when the PWR value gets much below 40 or
50, the actual wattage out is not particularly predictable and not always
linear.  It is also not the same from band to band.

Right now, on Preview 7, I set the PWR value for 8 on 40 meters and 13 on
80 meters.  Why?  Because that puts out the 4 watts I need to feed the
attenuator (!) for the input on the Harris amp.  It works.  But, it beats
me as to why the values are as they are.  This has been so since I can
remember.  This bit of unpredictability is there at higher power too, but
not as big an issue by any means, since it's a 20 per center on the high
end, but binary multiples of power difference at the bottom.

This may imaginably be somewhat specific to my rig by now.  It has lead a
particularly adventurous life.  This is the very rig that W0VB used for
his famous moonbounce contact and whatever VHF work he did besides, at
least until I got it around this time last year, as well as the many hours
of HF work I have done with and without an amp.  It was also in-line for
the entire Belize contest, where we were doing a lot of scrambling and
probably not always ostentatiously following the manual.

Wonderfully, it has survived everything I have tossed at it, mistakes and

To be sure, the MIC/PWR thing has been a question for as long as I can
remember, certainly as long as I ran digital (which, I think started circa
March, so I may be overplaying this).  None the less, in the interest of
full disclosure, I probably should mention that.  In terms of hours and
versatility of use, there probably are few SDRs that have been in as many
situations as this one or seen as big a variety of correct and incorrect

Larry  WO0Z

[Flexradio] Xylo

2005-11-30 Thread Steve Nance

I am goingto 
follow along with the FPGA project. I have ordered the board and now I need to 
get up to date with all the stuff I will need for this project. I guess I need 
to know what resources I need. Such as:

What software 
isrequired (is there a preferred flavor?)
What hardware would 
be useful besides the Xylo board which I have ordered and the Wolfson chips 
which I already have some samples of?
Web sites 
(allI know of is the site)

I understand Phil C. 
and Phil H. already have projects working. Is there any info available 
describing them?

Anybody else going 
to dabble?

Steve - K5FR

[Flexradio] Loud audio pop during band changes with 1.4.5p7

2005-11-30 Thread Tim Ellison
I have noticed that there is a loud pop heard in the speakers every time
I change bands or use the band stack registers to go to another portion
of the same band.  It only does it when the relays kick in.  

On 160, 80, 60, 30, 17,12  6 meters the initial band change results in
a relay clack and a loud POP.  Changing to different parts of the 160,
80, 60, 30, 17,12  6  meter band using the band stack registers does
not produce a relay clack and there is no popping noise no mater how
many time you change frequencies with the BSR.

On 40, 15,  10 meters the initial band change results in a relay clack
and a loud POP.  Changing to different parts of the 40, 15,  10  meter
band using the band stack registers does not produce a relay clack BUT
there is a audible popping noise, but much quieter that the initial POP
no mater how many time you change frequencies with the BSR.

If I am changing between the three BSR settings on 20 meters, I observe
that the first two band changes I hear the relays clack and hear the
load pop.  One the third band change, I do not hear a relay clack and
the audible pop is much lower in intensity almost like a click rather
than a pop. Then the pattern repeats itself if I continue to change band
stack register - Pop, Pop Click.

This problem is 100% reproducible.  This is all observed with version
1.4.5 preview 7.

Doing the same test listed above on version 1.4.4, I hear an relay clack
when I initially change to a band, but NO popping.  Change to different
frequencies within the same band using the BSR produces NO popping. This
behavior is the same on all bands.  Even 20 meters, I do not hear the
multiple relay clacks using version 1.4.4 like I do with 1.4.5p7

AMD Athlon dual core 4400+
Delta 44
Standard SDR1000 configuration without tuner or transverter

Tim Ellison mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Integrated Technical Services  
Apex, NC USA
919.674.0044 Ext. 25 / 919.674.0045 (FAX)
919.215.6375 - cell
 PGP public key available at all public KeyServers 

[Flexradio] BSD occurred while changing frequencies using BSR w/ 1.4.5p7

2005-11-30 Thread Tim Ellison
Error occurred with version: 1.4.5p7

During the testing of the popping noise during frequency changes using
the band stack register (BSR) feature on 20 meter, I experienced a blue
screen of death:  IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR EQUAL

Hex code: 
0x000a (0x0028 0x0002 0x0001 0x80a5702a)

I have the mini dump if anyone wants it.

Tim Ellison mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Integrated Technical Services  
Apex, NC USA
919.674.0044 Ext. 25 / 919.674.0045 (FAX)
919.215.6375 - cell
 PGP public key available at all public KeyServers