Cameron wrote:

> I know reporting anything related to MSFS around here will get mixed
> reviews, but I like seeing what other people are doing if for no other
> reason that to give me ideas.  :-)
> has a pretty thorough review[1] of MS FS2002 up.
> There are many screenshots of their 3D cockpits which may be useful
> for helping some of you modellers.  Check it out if you like.
> [1]

Anyone with a Windows box would do better to download the Battle of Britain demo
(and source code) if the main interest is in the virtual cockpit simulation.
The FS202 virtual 3D cockpit looks strangely flat (!) by comparison.

BoB source is at:

Presumably the demo is on the same site somewhere.  (The quality of the BoB
source code has already been discussed here or in fightgear-model - check the


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