From: "Ampere K. Hardraade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On February 18, 2005 04:11 am, Erik Hofman wrote:
> > It also looks to me like a pleasant isle of joy in an
> > otherwise boring event (am I right about that?).
> lol... I have a similar thought about the event.

The FGFS booth was busy pretty much the whole time the floor was open;
that's why Trisha and I ended up helping out when we could spare the time.
John, Curt and Jim each managed to get away for short periods for a quick
sprint around the expo area, but they didn't get much time to chat at the
other booths ... or to attend the four tracks of conference sessions.
Except that several exhibitors were moved between the map and the day.
FGFS was actually lower left in the spot labelled for ObjectWeb,
the FSF took the vacated FGFS spot near FreeBSD, KDE was a no-show.

From: "John Wojnaroski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Actually, there were other interesting booths, the astronomy one was pretty
> nice and there was some good network stuff. but none as interactive as the
> FlightGear booth. I didn't have much time to explore as we were quite busy
> right up to the end. It was a fairly small show, nothing on the scale of a
> Linux World.

Several booths had hardware for show-and-tell purposes, often neat stuff,
but none of them had something truly interactive like John's simulator.
In that sense, the expo was about average compared to other trade shows.
After all, it's hard to do a hands-on interactive booth if you're the FSF.

One thing that was nice was all the booths were staffed by people who knew
what they were doing and why they wanted to be at SCALE.  I didn't end up
talking to people who didn't know the (a) product (b) show or (c) market;
I always end up wondering why those companies bother to turn up at all.
A non-trivial technical discussion was feasible at any of the booths.

I was able to have long chats with the KnopMyth, Novell, PyX, Petta,
Debian, SOCALWUG, Usenix, Mambo booths ... and specific people too.
In that sense, it was better than being at the larger LWCE show floor.
Assuming they run a SCALE4X, I'll be trying to get to it.

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