When Curt introduced OpenAL to fgfs, he wrote[1]:

| 2. The plib sound system was set to play at 8000 hz no matter what the 
| sample was recorded at.  So a 22000 hz sample wouldn't play at the right 
| pitch by default.  We compensated in our sound config files for this by 
| offsetting the pitch by 22000/8000 to get the sound back in the right 
| range.  However, that means that with OpenAL which handles this 
| "correctly", some portions of our sound configs will need to get 
| retweaked to make the pitch correct again.  Most sounds are fine, it's 
| just a few of them where there is this issue.

Since a while I noticed that the wind sound is much too much pitched up
for my taste. And indeed, wind.wav has been sampled at 22kHz:

  $ file wind.wav
  wind.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 8 bit, mono 
22050 Hz

Has this ever been considered? I don't think so. (I remember that I changed
the wind pitch in the bo105 sound config, but this would then only be an ugly
workaround.) Is our wind sound still waiting for a proper fix (resampling or
changing all sound configs)? Or is anyone else happy with it!?



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