James A. Treacy writes:
> Of course, I am constantly reminded of my US background when I tell
> the Scouts in my troop to cut a 6' piece of line and get blank stares.
> They want me to say 2m. At the same time almost none of them can tell
> me their 'weight' in kilograms.

I remember when I was in England at a youth camp we were playing some
game where the kids had to go around and find the leaders and get them
to sign off on their sheet.  The big trick was that the kids had to
find the leaders in ascending order.  I had the joy of being #2.  So
as soon as the first couple kids found me, a very large, vicious, and
demanding mob quickly began to form around me all of them shoving
little papers and pencils in my face.  It was very traumatic. :-) I
started yelling, "Hey! Everyone get in a line or I'm not signing
anyone's paper."  This was met with continued and even more frantic
mobbing.  After yelling my ultimatum a couple more times with no
change in the mob behavior, a light bulb went off.  I yelled "Oi!
Queue up!" and almost instantly the insane mob transformed itself into
a perfectly calm, well behaved line, er, uh I mean queue.

James mentioned "line" and "blank stares" so I thought this would be a
similar story ... :-)

Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program       FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota      http://www.menet.umn.edu/~curt   http://www.flightgear.org

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