[Flightgear-devel] Weekly CVS Changelog Summary: SimGear

2006-09-02 Thread Curtis L. Olson
2006-08-28_13:53:36 (ehofman)

MispPro requires an explicit declaration.

2006-08-28_14:38:23 (fredb)

Use getNodeValue as initially planned

2006-08-31_13:26:45 (fredb)

Make the SGTimeStamp behave under Windows just like for other environments

2006-09-02_06:21:22 (fredb)

Add a simple program to benchmark SGTimeStamp::stamp()


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[Flightgear-devel] Weekly CVS Changelog Summary: FlightGear source

2006-09-02 Thread Curtis L. Olson
2006-08-28_12:24:34 (andy)

Curt noticed a while back that YASim was producing alpha and sideslip
values that were angles between the aircraft's orientation and the
global velocity vector, not the airflow velocity.  So the HUD velocity
vector was wrong when the wind was non-zero.  Fix that.

2006-08-31_00:07:50 (frohlich)

Attemp to fix the 'bogous tile problem'

2006-09-02_03:10:13 (fredb)

Fix missing return statement and unused local variable


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[Flightgear-devel] Weekly CVS Changelog Summary: FlightGear data

2006-09-02 Thread Curtis L. Olson
2006-08-27_03:17:54 (mfranz)

add aar/radar capabilities (useful for aar testing)

2006-08-27_05:40:31 (fredb)

Move the notes comment to a description xml element to show that description
in a tooltip in fgrun. Reformating was needed here because tooltips are limited
in width.

2006-08-27_07:25:43 (mfranz)

- merge YASim fuel management parts in (should still work with JSBSim as
  far as this supports air refueling at all)
- make listeners keep variables up-to-date (for better performance)
- remove the ugly initialization stuff in the main loop, but wait in
  an extra loop for the FDM to come up

This script works now with the a4f, too. The vulcan2 is *supposed* to
work, but there's apparently a bug in it that prevents it.
/systems/refuel/contact is correcly set, and that should be enough for it.

2006-08-27_08:38:29 (mfranz)

minor cleanup  optmization

aar.nas disables $FG_ROOT/Nasal/fuel.nas' main loop, as it should be able
to fully replace it. Ideally, there would be no aar.nas at all, and fuel.nas
would do the job for YASim  JSBSim. Unfortunately, there's a problem with
fuel.nas that's not easy to fix ...

2006-08-27_11:18:04 (mfranz)

thumbnails need to be sized 171x128

2006-08-27_11:22:06 (andy)

Melchior discovered an interpreter bug that is fixed (or seems to be
-- I need to verify) in current Nasal CVS.  Commit a workaround for
now.  Basically: don't return a tail call from a foreach.

2006-08-27_11:45:54 (andy)

Oops, wrong sense of create predicte.  Melchior was peeved.

2006-08-27_13:54:12 (fredb)

There is a bug in fltk when displaying tooltip with @ in them

2006-08-27_14:27:21 (mfranz)

fix property_browser()

2006-08-28_11:35:17 (vmmeazza)

AJ Macleod
Add keyboard key for brake chute deployment

2006-08-28_14:16:48 (curt)

Dave Culp:

Update to the F80C JSBSim flight dynamics model configuration.

2006-08-31_16:08:57 (fredb)

New A320 model from Ampere Hardraade

2006-08-31_16:08:58 (fredb)