Amazingly, I seem to have restored hardware accelerated OpenGL capabilities
to my system after two years (?). A chance encounter with a five year old
posting about a beta driver from VIA seems to have restored the capability.
This came from the readme file with the driver:

--- start ---

"It closes the RX55 memory register in BIOS. The RX55 register's official
name and function is Memory Write Queue (MWQ) timer. The MWQ timer is
actually a timing device included in the memory host controller to prevent
write data being held in the memory queue too long. After the data has been
in the queue too long it times out. This timed out data is then given a
higher write request priority. Now that might sound nice - a bit of extra
performance BUT the procedure fails when overloaded. 3D games and Win XP put
too much load on the memory queuing timer procedure. The nVidia new driver
exaggerates the problem even more as the driver enables nVidia cards to use
even more memory than previous driver versions. 

So in a nutshell it's a memory timing problem that only happens when the
RX55 register is opened. Some motherboard manufacturers have already
released new BIOS that have the register closed. In other instances, this
patch is needed."

--- start ---

So, I'll be able to run FlightGear again for the first time in two years, as
well. This OpenGL driver issue has been quite an irritant.


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