Re: [Flightgear-devel] Web 2.0 paradigms

2012-02-29 Thread thorsten . i . renk
>> ~20 years ago: Those wonderful PDF-files were introduced - we now could
>> even transfer documents from one PC to another - even with different
>> Operating Systems and/or different printer capabilities! That was also
>> when LaTeX was developed [...]
> I'll skip all the other stuff because I've already made my position
> pretty clear in the past.  Anyhow I'd like to express my disagreement
> on this one.  I didn't check closely, but I'm pretty sure that even
> LaTeX, the comfortable, let's call it an "extension" to TeX predates
> PDF by almost a decade.  And the underlying TeX had been invented even
> a lot earlier, maybe yet another decade.

TeX was released 1978, LaTeX around 1982, the thing to develop later into
pdf (Camelot) was introduced 1991 and became an open standard as recent as

* Thorsten

Virtualization & Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Web 2.0 paradigms

2012-02-29 Thread Martin Spott
HB-GRAL wrote:

> Spring has come. LaTex and Wikibooks got married. Have a look:

I guess the missing link would be an option to writing a Wiki using
genuine LaTeX syntax and templates.

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

Virtualization & Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Web 2.0 paradigms (was: New styled

2012-02-29 Thread Martin Spott
Jörg Emmerich wrote:

> ~20 years ago: Those wonderful PDF-files were introduced - we now could
> even transfer documents from one PC to another - even with different
> Operating Systems and/or different printer capabilities! That was also
> when LaTeX was developed [...]

I'll skip all the other stuff because I've already made my position
pretty clear in the past.  Anyhow I'd like to express my disagreement
on this one.  I didn't check closely, but I'm pretty sure that even
LaTeX, the comfortable, let's call it an "extension" to TeX predates
PDF by almost a decade.  And the underlying TeX had been invented even
a lot earlier, maybe yet another decade.

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

Virtualization & Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Web 2.0 paradigms

2012-02-29 Thread HB-GRAL
Am 29.02.12 11:17, schrieb

Spring has come. LaTex and Wikibooks got married. Have a look:

"LaTeX is a featured book on Wikibooks because it contains substantial 
content, it is well-formatted, and the Wikibooks community has decided 
to feature it on the main page or in other places."


Cheers, Yves

Virtualization & Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Web 2.0 paradigms

2012-02-29 Thread thorsten . i . renk
> Actually I wonder a little why you accept using a modern tool like LaTeX
> being just 20 years old - while we all learned that the optimum
> scholar-environment was developed by the old Greeks (to my knowledge
> without any computers and/or LaTeX) -- after that we never had such a
> development of basic wisdom as during that time!

Because you misunderstood a basic point: I use tools not because they're
fashionable, but because I convinced myself they are the best choice to
get a task done. I don't care what you learned about the optimum scholar
environment, I also don't care what someone told me about it, it's one of
the things which I can find out myself easily.

> Well - (to some extend) that was meant as a joke - but seriously: Did
> you ever consider how fast the environment changes today - for every
> human being in any kind of doing? And how fast the tools change that you
> can use to develop and deploy new ideas or to evaluate the basics?

I'm looking out at this moment. There's trees and blue sky. They pretty
much look like in my childhood. I'm looking forward to ice-skating later
today - pretty much as in my childhood. I'll probably play in the snow
with the kids layer - pretty much as in my childhood. When driving home,
there'll be traffic and snow on the roads - just as in my childhood. I'll
meet friends and we'll talk  - pretty much as in my childhood.

To first approximation, my physical and social environment looks pretty
stable to me. My mind didn't change so much over the last years - I can
process information at a certain rate, some things make me happy, others
sad, I can dream up stories,... Is it possible that you're confusing
'environment' and 'any kind of doing' with something else which is much

At the moment, I need to prepare a presentation. A 20 years ago, I would
have done this with pens - now I use LaTeX. I'm going to reference other
works - 20 years ago, I would have had to go through the library, now I
can use arXive and spires to do it from my laptop.

The tasks are unchanged, but there has been some progress in tools, and
since I understand that the tools are superior for the task at hand, I use
them (somewhat funnily, among all colleagues I know, I've been the first
to use computer typesetting and my laptop for presentations...).

There have been significant changes in available tools since - we've seen
Powerpoint & Co  - but they simply don't deliver. I get a worse layout for
two times the work and 100 times the file-size. So I don't use Powerpoint,
even if it's fashionable to do so.

We can look at Flightgear (and in the virtual world, the environment
actually changed a lot). I want to do something (make nice clouds), so I
acquire the tools I need (Nasal, GLSL) to get the job done. Note that we
can argue if Nasal is the best tool or not (we've done this on this list a
few times), but that I personally think it was the right choice.

> Believe me: I do understand that someone does not want to change his
> tools
> every couple of years - just about nobody wants to do that and really
> nobody needs to -- unless he is in a competitive environment!

There's a reason LaTeX is still around despite all competition, and that
it that it's hard to beat. Both its flexibility and its ability to do
decent typesetting are so compelling that I haven't ever seen anything
coming close.

You're missing the simple point that you have so far not come up with much
compelling evidence that your tools actually can do better than what we
have, you've just delivered a few lines of web 2.0 phrases. I'd have to
guess at what Martin and Stuart think, but at least I'm not impressed by
web 2.0 phrases, I use what does the job at hand best.

> Those new tools will not have any
> effect onto the "contents" of any dispute about e.g. "Egyptian myth" and
> similar! Except that you can do that now with modern tools with every
> "scientist" worldwide in real time!

Excuse me, but didn't you try to make a point about multiple languages?
That's clearly a content issue, not a tool issue, and yet you somehow
claimed it would argue for different tools.

The sum of your statements did not seem to be 'leave the content what it
is, just change to better processing tools', but you argued for changing
the whole structure (including who gets to contribute to the manual). So
kindly don't present red herrings here.

> - but does (e.g.) a Housewife really need to learn all theoretical
> basics about e.g. plastics, metal, porcelain - just to cook?

Strawman argument. Of course not. However, you have to learn C++ if you
want to contribute to the Flightgear core development, you have to learn
GLSL if you want to edit shaders, you have to learn to drive a car if you
want to join traffic and so on. Real pilots learn theoretical basics of
aerodynamics just to fly - and there's some consensus that this is a
reasonable thing.

> - and does every kid need to know everything about aerodynamic-theories,
> FAA rules, etc. 

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Web 2.0 paradigms (was: New styled FGFS--Manual)

2012-02-29 Thread Jörg Emmerich
On Tue, 2012-02-28 at 12:06 +0200, wrote:
> Naturally, LaTeX is not some click-it tool, it's a powerful and flexible
> tool, and so it must be learned. Which is work, and that's not well-taken
> in the shiny Web 2.0 world, so... the digital natives can't do it. They
> have learned to use the things that are easy to use and they've learned to
> demand easy tools and easy information snippets, but the majority of them
> has no real concept of what's underneath all the infrastructure.
> My pretty consistent experience is that the closer you get to where
> information is actually produced or where work is actually done, the less
> fancy the tools are on the outside. Case in point - we're writing on a
> mailing list here which is technology from 20 years ago - but it does the
> job well...
> So, I prefer to do my studies 'the old way'. Not because I would be averse
> to technology or unable to learn anything new (after all, I did learn to
> use GLSL just by reverse-engineering shaders others have written and by
> trial and error when I felt I needed it), but because I understand 'the
> new way' all too well and have concluded that replacing the somehwat
> uncomfortable real thing with the confortable illusion of it is not a good
> idea.

This was just the end of a long and detailed discourse about learning and
writing and thinking. I believe I can take that as a short summary - 
pinpoint pretty well our different views. I assure
you I have read the complete discourse several times -- but even now I
am not sure where there is my standing between the "digital natives",
the "scientists" or "experts" or "scholars" or whatever

During all my "productive" life I was just a hard working guy being
payed for developing new things that should find a market-place and/or
find solutions for problems popping up in the real, technical, mostly
computer oriented, very competitive, engineering world. So please
forgive me, if I sometimes talk a little "bluntly" when trying to make a

Actually I wonder a little why you accept using a modern tool like LaTeX
being just 20 years old - while we all learned that the optimum
scholar-environment was developed by the old Greeks (to my knowledge
without any computers and/or LaTeX) -- after that we never had such a
development of basic wisdom as during that time! So actually we should do
like them: 1 Prof, 2 Students, and walking and talking and thinking and...

Well - (to some extend) that was meant as a joke - but seriously: Did
you ever consider how fast the environment changes today - for every
human being in any kind of doing? And how fast the tools change that you
can use to develop and deploy new ideas or to evaluate the basics?

~50 years ago: I was a Student and was not even allowed to use a "hand-held
calculator" - my Profs insisted on using "slide-rulers" and they checked
that we calculated with a deviation better then 10% (but definitely
bigger 1% - or you raised suspicion of cheating!). 

~40 years ago: I joined into the BIG (blue)-Computer-World
("System/360") and had to input my "ingenious inventions" by punching
little carbon cards --> hand-carry those in boxes to the
Data-Processing-Center --> and retrieve them the next morning with many
many meters of Chain-Printer output. 

~30 years ago: PCs and DOS (1981) became available for "personal use"  -
and printers learned to print "condensed" and "enlarged" --> wonderful:
We could define headers and comments! (in March 1981 I bought an "Apple
II" for 3.130,-$ and enjoyed learning to write an own "word-program" in

~25 years ago: We entered the wonderful world of "MS-Word" (first
release 1983) -- parallel to that also began the wonderful world of
Post-Script printers! i.e. first time you could print something worth
being read! But it also produced quit some headaches because of
drivers, money, knowledge, incompatibilities, etc.! 

~20 years ago: Those wonderful PDF-files were introduced - we now could
even transfer documents from one PC to another - even with different
Operating Systems and/or different printer capabilities! That was also
when LaTeX was developed - for high quality and quantity printing. (And
according to Wikipedia: "LaTeX is widely used in academia").
 also 1991 Linux had it's first appearance

Believe me: I do understand that someone does not want to change his tools
every couple of years - just about nobody wants to do that and really 
nobody needs to -- unless he is in a competitive environment! For sure
FGFS is not depending on market shares - but somewhere inside I
guess every developers would like to be "better than the others"!

Can you really imagine the existence of the FGFS over a longer
time-frame without all the new communication and development tools that
were implemented in recent years and will continue to change rapidly -
even after LaTeX? Should we, as a worldwide distributed engineering team
not always consider new developments? Those new 

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Web 2.0 paradigms

2012-02-28 Thread Martin Spott wrote:

> That's my two cents to the new paradigm.

Hear, hear !

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Web 2.0 paradigms (was: New styled FGFS--Manual)

2012-02-28 Thread thorsten . i . renk

I discovered I really need a break from coding and debugging (found myself
dreaming about haze rendering lately, and that's usually a warning sign),
so I may have time for some philosophy (feel free to skip, it's not about
FGFS in particular).

> I was surprised that this shift in Paradigms has such a big handicap to
> be considered for future developments. And if you believe you are
> "old-fashioned", how about a 70 year old guy that started in Computer
> Development in 1970, and whose big boss predicted: "I think there is a
> world market for maybe five computers." (Thomas Watson, president of
> IBM, 1943!) You may have some more laughs on

Joerg mentions a paradigm shift here, and he writes similar phrases

> -- make use of the modern art of on-line reading/studying!
> e.g.: Jumping between the "books" to any given place inside and outside
> the book!

> As we accept that any professional can
> participate in the design, we should also trust our users to generate
> and maintain their manuals by themselves! FGFS, FGFS-wiki, Wikipedia,
> Linux, etc. etc. -- they all proved that it works!

> -- Avoid the dependency on uniquely skilled persons:

> -- Use common tools.
> Most kids today learn how to generate a Homepage and use "html" - while
> "LaTeX" (and similar) needs some more "unique"
> skills/environments/procedures.

These are what I'd call 'Web 2.0 phrases' (if I am polite...) and
something else (if I'm in a bad mood). The assertions made here are fairly
close to what is typically asserted in Web 2.0 contexts:

* there is a modern way of studying which involves hyperlinking and
cross-referencing of information snippets

* it is possible to avoid depending on experts (uniquely skilled or
knowledgeable persons) due to the existence of something called 'wisdom of
the crowd' or 'swarm intelligence'

* there are 'digital natives' which practice the modern way of studying,
generate content using swamr intelligence and have their own set of tools
replacing 'old tools'

In my experience, all three assertions are largely nonsense.

Information processing is an unpleasant task for the mind if a certain
complexity is reached. One can structure a text well which helps a lot,
and (especially in philosophy) there is a tendency to express simple ideas
in complicated words, and this can and should be avoided, but there is no
way topics like Quantum Field Theory, Zen Buddhism or the development of
languages from primitive roots will ever be simple and pleasant to study.
Really understanding something is hard work, and the mind feels exhausted
and tired afterwards - that's the way it is, and there is a good reason
for it.

Understanding a text involves reading it, memorizing it, making mental
connections between its parts, thinking over it, making mental connections
to other texts, re-reading it, making more mental connections - this is a
process called 'learning', and as most people who ever tried to learn a
language can certify that this is really hard work.

Now, unless tempered by an unusual amount of wisdom, the human mind wants
to know, but not to study hard, it wants to hold a respected position, but
not to work for it and earn that respect the hard way, it wants to
control, but not be held responsible.

There are numerous examples for that to be found everywhere. I happen to
be one of a handful of experts in the world with regard to J.R.R.
Tolkien's invented Elvish languages (in fact, I wrote the standard
introductory book to Sindarin). I've come across hundreds of people who
wanted to speak Elvish, but at best 5% of those actually were willing to
go through the pains of learning it. Any reader in the FGFS forum will
have no problems finding users which know exactly what needs to be done in
the Flightgear world, but 'unfortunately' are unable to step up and learn
how to do it. And so on.

This is where the Web 2.0 philosophy comes in - it caters to the less
pleasant tendencies of the mind and states that all that somehow okay or
even commendable.

Hyperlinked information snippets give you the illusion of understanding
something - you can replace making a mental connection by a click on a
link. In the short run, it feels just the same just without effort, the
information appears when you need it. In the long run, you just notice
that the mental link isn't there (because you never needed to make it) and
you haven't really understood anything.

There is a reason why scientists write about their research not in any
'modern' way - if you really need to transmit a lot of information, then a
well-structured text without any hyperlinks works best.

As for swarm intelligence, I'm still waiting for any evidence of that.
Take Tolkien's Elvish (because I know that case very well) - especially
when the Lord of the Rings movies were popular, there were hundreds of
sites advertizing Elvish phrases, tengwar writings, name tran