Re: [Flightgear-users] Re: FlightGear CVS/Cygwin Install personnal offer

2005-11-04 Thread Erik Hofman

Georg Vollnhals wrote:

Georg, come back to our time ASAP. It's still 2005 over here and we 
need all the time we can get.

Thank you very much Erik -
I really need *every* day of 2005 (if you knew my age it would be clear 
for you why ) but I'm actually sharing my PC with my son and in his age 
(13 years) time does not run fast enough! :-)

Ok, now back in old 2005!

Welcome back, how was 2006 like ;-)
(Never mind, it would spoil the surprise)


Flightgear-users mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-users] Re: FlightGear CVS/Cygwin Install personnal offer

2005-11-03 Thread Erik Hofman

Georg, come back to our time ASAP. It's still 2005 over here and we need 
all the time we can get.


(Or in other words, your date is set to 2006)

Flightgear-users mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-users] Re: FlightGear CVS/Cygwin Install personnal offer

2005-11-03 Thread Georg Vollnhals

Georg, come back to our time ASAP. It's still 2005 over here and we 
need all the time we can get.

Thank you very much Erik -
I really need *every* day of 2005 (if you knew my age it would be clear 
for you why ) but I'm actually sharing my PC with my son and in his age 
(13 years) time does not run fast enough! :-)

Ok, now back in old 2005!

Flightgear-users mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-users] Re: FlightGear CVS/Cygwin Install personnal offer

2005-11-02 Thread Georg Vollnhals

Hi Georg,

I am OK to try your offer.
I have already done steps :
a) , b),
I have installed WinCVS vers.1.2  and downloaded last  cvsnt vers 2.5, tell
me which product is appropriate.
c) I will need your detailed explains
d) , e) I am running a Windows2000 system, so I will use your
FlightGearTools V1.2




Hi Rony,
one of my further problems was due to using WinCVS, then I read in these 
mailing list not todo so but use Cygwin CVS.

Therefore I would go these steps:

(THANK YOU  *KEVIN JONES* who advised me detailled how to compile 
FlightGear CVS under Cygwin
I copied some text out of his instructions :-) which will be published 
as a *.pdf file soon as I hope)

 cyg_openAL.tgz from
 Untar/zip with Winzip, if you don't have it, ask me for proceeding 
under Cygwin

   copy openal32.dll to c:\windows\system32\openal32.dll
   (change path names as appropriate)

Start Cygwin
(The following are commands you have to type in after $.
Keep attention to type the whitespaces (' ') correct!)
cd  /..
mkdir fg-cvs
cd fg-cvs
cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/cvs/FlightGear-0.9 login
 password is guest
cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/cvs/FlightGear-0.9 co data

You are now back to Windows GUI:

 Zipped FlightGear CVS bin

Unzip and put it into your Cygwin\fg-cvs\data folder

 FlightGearTools V1.2

 Further sceneries from the FlightGear scenery download site as you 
wish, ie your local scenery.

 Install as requiered (- data\scenery\terrain)

 Unzip it. You may put it anywhere but into a seperate folder (as 
FGTools creates some configfiles which should be in the same folder as 
the *.exe). Run FGTools. Select Cygwin page. Select the pathes (only 
once as a config, is stored). Go to bottom keys. Create a list of the 
installed aircraft you have (make new list-key, only once until you 
get other aircraft installed). Select the airport you want to fly from 
(type in the 4 letter code and - if you wish - parted by a whitespace a 
description of the airport, ie. EDDW Bremen. FGTools makes a history 
list so that you can go back to all the airports you typed in. And it 
selects only the first 4 chars as ICAO code for FlightGear.
You have to check or uncheck if you want to select an airport, aircraft, 
inout-command (for Atlas) or special parameter you type in (predefined 
is --aircraft=hunter --carrier=CVN-6 --parkpos=cat-1, you might also 
change to --aircraft=a4 --car... or any other parameter combination 
you want to give to FlightGear/see FG start manual). If you select an 
aircraft in special parameter don't select the aircraft check-box.
You may install the *Win32* atlas binaries and proceed as described in 
the manual enclosed which was aimed to the official version 
FlightGearTools 1.1. This is handled from page 2 of FGTools.
But it is possible to start CygWin CVS FlightGear and Win32-atlas from 
FGTools and have it synchronized.

After having selected your wished parameters just click on Run 
FlightGear (Cygwin). Don't worry - this may last a pretty long time 
until FlightGear is loaded and run up :-/
But after it is fired the performance is acceptable although the 
framerate is lower than the pure Win32 FG binaries.

Ask me if something does not work.
Keep in mind, this is not documented until now as I made it only for my 
own use as I cannot compile pure Win32 CVS binaries, so Cygwin was a chance.

Hope it works, give feedback after download. I would like to clear my 

Georg HeliFLYer EDDW

If you want to update the CVS *data* in a further stage, you only have 
to do this *under* *Cygwin*:

(Cygwin prompt $:)
cd /fg-cvs/data
cvs update -d -P

But pay attention, sometimes changes of the data don't work with the 
older compiled source, but this is - of course - very normal as source 
and data are *developed*. So, to be safe, make a backup of the data 
folder before trying, so you can go back to the old version.

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