Re: FLUXLIST: Event Score: Go West, Young Fluxer!

2002-11-03 Thread ArtnAnts
chicago is west??? madawg of california

Re: FLUXLIST: Event Score: Go West, Young Fluxer!

2002-11-03 Thread sean henry

"Evidence of previous 

>Fluxlist meetings is available on request; Alan Bowman, Allen 

>Bukoff, Meryl, Kathy Forer and Fabrice can provide references. "
Yes, and I'd appreciate the same service if it can help me meet Fluxlisters and other flux types to flux with in the Derby area...

>From: "Melissa McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: FLUXLIST: Event Score: Go West, Young Fluxer! 
>Date: Fri, 09 Aug 2002 16:38:53 + 
>Well, not that young, but I'm going west anyway Will be in 
>Chicago from the 17th through the 23rd, and wonder if anyone on the 
>list has either any suggestions for activities or destinations, or a 
>desire to meet for coffee or other beverages. Evidence of previous 
>Fluxlist meetings is available on request; Alan Bowman, Allen 
>Bukoff, Meryl, Kathy Forer and Fabrice can provide references. 
> Melissa McCarthy 
> Hours: whimsical or by appointment 
> >>>Adult, maybe; grown-up, never!<<< 
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Re: FLUXLIST: New York?

2002-11-03 Thread St.Auby Tamas

>I'll likely be in New York City this upcoming Friday and/or Saturday,
>and was wondering if folks could recommend any worthwhile
>goings-on/exhibitions/etc. for me to check out while in town.


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Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2002 00:53:47 -0500
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lance Fung Gallery, 537 Bway NYC 10012)
Subject: Jessica Higgins Opens Wed. Nov. 6, 6-8pm

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Contact Lance Fung (212) 334-6242

P O E T  W A L K (The Diamond Forest)


J E S S I C A   H I G G I N S

6 November - 10 December, 2002 at
Lance Fung Gallery, 537 Broadway

Reception for the Artist: Wednesday, 6 November, 6 - 8 PM

Lance Fung Gallery is proud to exhibit Poet Walk (The Diamond Forest)
a large scale intermedia project making a radical transfer of text
into space. In this one woman show artist Jessica Higgins extends
ideas of textual organization beyond the two dimensional constructs
associated with the page or pattern poetry, and the book or
architecture of concision. Here the artist's "text" takes the form of
a forest of haikus suspended on threads under branches in diamond
formations allowing for a non sequential reading of text and space
simultaneously, much like the experience of reading space in a forest.

The viewer encounters suspended branches framing a forest of hanging
text particles derived from original haiku works Ms. Higgins brings
to the installation. As we move through the space, new texts randomly
occur before us. The traditional five seven five metrics of Haiku are
mapped to triangular zones of poem-space. Her background in
Performance Art and Installation informs a graceful viewer
interaction in a diamond forest of signs and references.

Committed to working with the essentials of art in unique ways,
Jessica Higgins' work is grounded in intermedia, site-specific
installation, and performance. On occasion she has included olfactory
elements to provide multi-sensory dimensions. Additionally in Poet
Walk she exhibits clear boxes termed "thought assemblages." They
contain ideas or notions as miniature installation works in small
structures serving as shelter.

Her interest in the metaphysical results in a unique combination of
materials, thought and expression of structure. "My installations
express feelings and ideas through personal and physical connections
with unusual people, objects and materials." Accordingly she also
presents a shrine entitled Blue Pilgrimage, which houses palm sized
objects brought to her by the other Lance Fung Gallery artists during
a pilgrimage to a building in Upstate New York. The building exists
on a site known to the public as Poet's Walk. The ritual is
documented within the shrine on a palm sized video monitor housed
along with the objects.

With Poet Walk, The Diamond Forest, Jessica Higgins broadens a
dialogue around book, page, action and space taking place between
many global participants such as concrete and pattern poets, American
intermedia publications and the thriving legacy of Poland's urban
anthologies. The show opens Wednesday, November 6, 2002 6-8 pm at
Lance Fung Gallery, 537 Broadway NYC.

Lance Fung Gallery  537 Broadway  New York, New York  10012
Tel  212, 334, 6242  Fax  212, 966,0439

To be removed from our lists please reply with a blank email and a
subject 'remove.lfg.lfglist' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] If we have contacted
you in error, our apologies.



FLUXLIST: Opening today at Queens Museum: Society of the Spectacle...

2002-11-03 Thread Crisarc2000
hi everyone,

if you are in new york, please come to my opening 
today, Sunday Nov. 3, 3-6pm. 
i'm guest curating a digital video from an 
artist from Japan. 
there'll be music, beer, wine + general merriment...

hope to see you! thanks. cristine


Masayuki Kawai: About a Theological Situation 
in the Society of the Spectacle

QMA to Participate in New York’s Inaugural Asian
Contemporary Art Week 

The Queens Museum of Art is pleased to announce a
special U.S. premier of Japanese artist Masayuki
Kawai’s video work About a Theological Situation
in the Society of the Spectacle (2001). Selected
by guest curator Cristine Wang, Kawai’s work will
be on view in the museum’s small theater from
November 3-10, 2002, as part of New York City’s
landmark Asian Contemporary Art Week. 

An opening reception will be held Sunday,
November 3, 2002, from 3-6pm. 

Asian Contemporary Art Week (ACAW) is an
initiative of the Asian Contemporary Art
Consortium, and brings together an unprecedented
alliance of curators, artists, educators and
scholars in a city-wide program of exhibitions,
performances, lectures, and events. For
information on ACAW, visit

About a Theological Situation in the Society of
the Spectacle (6 min, 30 sec, DVD) takes French
Situationist theorist Guy Debord’s seminal text,
Society of the Spectacle (1967), as its main
point of departure in a critique of the myths of
"life" and "personality" in contemporary Japanese
pop culture. Debord’s work remains one of the
great theoretical texts on modern-day capitalism,
visual culture, and the influence of the media
over the evolution of social relationships. Kawai
states: "I use Augustinus' theology of "the
Trinity" as an analogy to analyze and critique
the situation, and quote images from the
spectacle to adopt a form of exaggerated
imitation of mass media techniques such as quick
cutting & text slogans." 

Masayuki Kawai was born 1972, in Osaka, Japan,
and currently lives in Tokyo. He received a B.A.
in Aesthetics from the University of Tokyo, and
founded the Videoart Center Tokyo in 1999. A
publisher and critic of contemporary video art,
Kawai’s video works have been shown
internationally including: Clermont-Ferrand Short
Film Festival, France (2002); Oberhausen
International Short Film Festival, Germany
(2002); European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück,
Germany (2002/2001); Sydney Film Festival,
Sydney, Australia (2001); Microwave International
Media Art Festival, Hong Kong (2001); Leeds
International Film Festival, England (2001); and
the Rotterdam International Film Festival, The
Netherlands (2001). 

Cristine Wang is a New York-based independent
curator and critic. She recently curated Defining
Lines, Manifesta 4, Frankfurt, Germany (2002);
Re:Duchamp Exhibition, 49th Venice Biennial,
Italy (2001); Dystopia + Identity, Tribes
Gallery, New York (2001). Wang curated the online
exhibition Defining Lines:  (2002), included in the Whitney Museum's
"Artport" website. She was on the International
Jury for Oberhausen Film Festival, Germany
(2002), and is on the Committee for the Paris
Biennial (2002).

A closing reception will be held Sunday, November
10, 6-8 pm, at Clay, 202 Mott Street, between
Spring & Kenmare Streets. 

Further info:  Cristine Wang Tel: (917) 318-0081 

Support for this project is gratefully
acknowledged from Name.Space, Progressive IMG,
and The Wang Family Trust. Additional support
from Frederieke Taylor. The closing party
sponsored by Clay.

Carolyn Bane
Director of Public Relations / Queens Museum of
Art / NYC Building / Flushing Meadows Corona Park
/ Queens, NY 11368-3398
t 718.592.9700 ext. 147 /  f 718.592.5778 /
