*For Immediate Release*

NetArt Initiatives presents: 

"Alternate Mach(inations): Netomat + glasbead"
(two works which challenge + explore how information and databases are 
interfaced and experienced as stand-alone applications and which utilise 
low-level coding)
Maciej Wisniewski and John Klima: live presentation
organised by Zhang Ga & Cristine Wang

Friday, November 10, 2000 
presentation at 7 PM 
Parsons Center for New Design 
55 West 13th Street, 9th Fl. 

live online at:


Maciej Wisniewski:
"n e t o m at": http://www.netomat.net
is a meta-browser that engages a different Internet - an Internet that is an 
intelligent application and not simply a large database of static files. 
netomat(TM)dialogues with the net to retrieve information as unmediated and 
independent in form. Our current point-and-click navigation, rigid 
information distribution, and passive browsing of "authored" information in 
today's interactivity will be of little use when using netomat(TM). 

Maciej Wisniewski is an artist and programmer whose work focuses on the 
underlying social implications of technology and the network.  Netomat and 
his earlier projects ("m e t a V i e w ", "T u r n s t i l e  2", "S c a n l 
i n k", "J a c k p o t", and "T e l e - T o u c h") have been featured in 
online and offline exhibitions at Postmasters Gallery, New York; ZKM, 
Karslruhe Germany; ICA, London; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; Guggenheim, 
SoHo; Johannesburg Biennial; and Benjamin Weil's ada'web.  Wisniewski studied 
toward a Ph.D. program at the Institute for General Linguistics and 
Computational Linguistics, University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden.


John Klima: 
"glasbead": http://www.glasbead.com
is a an ongoing exploration into sound/music interfaces implementing 
multi-user gaming technology. By manipulating an entirely graphical 3d 
interface, the collaborative sound interface allows players to upload and 
trade sample sounds without restriction as to content. Current bandwidth 
allows 20 online participants to manoever through glasbead simultaneously.   

John Klima is an artist and programmer who recently received the "Golden 
Lasso" award for Web3d RoundUp at the Siggraph computer graphics convention 
in New Orleans this summer. glasbead and other vrml works and installations 
have been exhibited at the ICC, Tokyo in New Media New Faces; Postmasters 
Gallery, NY; Viper Int'l Festival, Lucerne, Switzerland; European Media Art 
Festival, Osnabruck, Germany; 


The NETART INITIATIVE is a loosely knit, open source based, hub styled, forum 
oriented, action enabled consortium, where people meet, virtually and bodily, 
to communicate, exchange, and discourse for advancing the understanding of a 
virtual art, a networked art and an art that is pervasive and ubiquitous in 
the years to come.

jihui (the meeting point, a project of NetArt Initiative), a self-regulated 
digital salon, invites all interested people to send ideas for 
discussion/performance/etc, jihui puts you right under the spotlight. For 
more info, visit http://netart-init.org check under toBeIsToDo.

jihui is sponsored by Center for New Design @ Parsons School of Design 


Cristine Wang
Director New Media Initiatives
The Alternative Museum
594 Broadway NYC 10012

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