FLUXLIST: Poetry Submissions

2000-05-28 Thread NBBurr44

Cheat Mode (Scurk)

All reward and opportunity buildings - i am weak
Construction, if offer was declined - zyxwvu
Donation offer - call cousin vinnie
Change the sea to salt water - salt on
Change the sea to fresh water - salt off
"Sorry, Money Doesn't Grow On Broccoli" message - broccoli
"If You Build It, They Will Come" message - scurk
"The Llama Is A Quadruped" message - llama
"Duo Ragazzi's Easter Egg Palace: Old World Charm In A Post Modern Setting" 
message - easter egg
"(Name of City) Picayune: The Finest In Scrolling Entertainment" message -  
"Secret Number Combination Causes Announcement In News Ticker: message -
"Did you know that MAXIS spelled backwards is SIX AM?" message - maxis
All extra gifts - pay tribute to your king
Stops advice - stop forcing advice
All power plants - power to the masses
All water plants - water in the desert
Mortimer will say the indicated phrase - force mortimer to say (phrase)
Moe will say the indicated phrase - force moe to say (phrase)
Constance will say the indicated phrase - force constance to say (phrase)
If you have connections to your neighbors, they will start trying to make 
deals - let's make a deal.

[found -- from one of my son's computer game "cheats"]


Re: FLUXLIST: Poetry Submissions

2000-05-25 Thread David Baptiste Chirot


In our probation/parole office


a bullet proof glass--

a metal detetector--

Forms to fill out




to check

In our probation/parole office

Is one sign:

As a courtesy

to others

Remove hats

and other


--dave baptiste chirot  25 may 2000

(Note:  "parole in liberta":  "words in freedom".  F. T.
Marinetti, the founder of Italian Futurism in 1909, used this term/slogan
to call for a poetry written in visual layouts covering the page moving in
various directions, with various forms and sizes of lettering.  The visual
layouts and letterings make a sound and word score for vocal performance.
The letters make both onomatopoeic sounds and phonetically spelled words
as well as standardized spellings of words. Many of Marinetti's own
"parole in liberta" glorified war and the dynamism of speed and

Re: FLUXLIST: Poetry Submissions

2000-05-25 Thread Carol Starr

iris and poppy
dazzling this morning

purple and white
pink and salmon

peonies pink
white and red

lots of weeds too
think i'll go back to bed

carol starr
taos, new mexico, usa

Re: FLUXLIST: Poetry Submissions

2000-05-25 Thread narvis ...pez



6 books (any)
pages 66 in every book
sixth word of every page

Re: FLUXLIST: Poetry Submissions

2000-05-25 Thread Lord Hasenpfeffer




FLUXLIST: Poetry Submissions

2000-05-24 Thread Roger Stevens


Just a reminder that the great Fluxlist Poetry Hunt
is nearly over
Last chance to enter - last day of May

No hard and fast rules
No soft and slow rules
Any poetry that you feel is in the spirit of Fluxus

Found poems, changed poems, lost poems, poems created by constructs,
at random, by chance
in playful mood
by constructs constructed randomly or by chance
or by coincidence or by inconsistency

Just make sure you put Poetry Submission in the subject header
(because it's difficult sometimes to know just where
to draw the line between text and poetry -
just as it is also difficult sometimes to know
just where to write the poem between art and draw

Also include your name as you would like it to appear
in the final book
plus any other information


any last minute entries?

(you may also send poems direct to me
if you'd prefer)

Children's poetry in The Poetry Zone

Re: FLUXLIST: Poetry Submissions

2000-05-24 Thread Crisarc2000

3' x 5' = 15'

(or, every 15 seconds i look at the scrolling marquee):

F A C E S  P L O T  T O K Y O
C L I C K  H O U S E  P L A N
D E L A Y  A R S E N I C  C L I C K
N E W S  L E B A N O N  K I L L
B A N  B E A T  T O

C R I S T I N E  W A N G2000