hello fluxlisters.
There is a new list-serv out there with a focus on experimental performance.
if you are into perforhttp://by113fd.bay113.hotmail.msn.com/cgi-bin/compose?&curmbox=68599CBF%2dD6CF%2d47F9%2dAF7E%2dF3C1EEB7A84E&a=f20f6e542cedbb040b32dc703368ad612599f4533f064d2a1bd70a39d6d94276# Sendmance art/poetry/theory/scores/etc add yourself to the list by vistiting here: http://groups.google.com/group/performancelist
list detail below:
"Group dedicated to live art, performance art, experimental theatre, performance studies, music theatre, performance poetry and other performance-based variations. Post shows, calls for submission, start collaborations, discussions, reviews, etc"

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