vertical alignment

2002-04-04 Thread Joshua Marinacci

I must be missing something, but for the life of me I can't figure out 
how to create
a single page with vertically centered text. I want to create a title 
page which will have
the text  Blah Blah by Whoever   on three lines, all grouped together in 
the center
of the page without explicitly setting how far down on the page it is.  
I've set the vertical-align attribute of a block but it's still stuck at 
the top of the page. If horizontal centering
is so easy then why is vertical so hard?

Thanks in advance,

- Joshua

... but I still haven't found what I'm looking for.

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awt embedding

2002-03-06 Thread Joshua Marinacci

I'm working on an XSL:FO template editor and I want to do a realtime 
preview of what
it will look like. I just want to render it to a component and then 
refresh it quickly. I have
been unsuccessful at making anything render directly from a bytestream 
in memory,
so I'm writing it out to a temp file and then reading it in with
FOInputHandler inputHandler = new FOInputHandler(new"/tmp/"));
which seems to work. Eventually I want to avoid the disk altogether and 
just do it from
memory, but I'll take what I can get for now.

My main problem is that I can't get the window to refresh. In the code 
below 'setup()' is
called once and then 'refresh()' is called each time the document is 
updated. Originally
I had the Renderer allocated in the setup and reused, but that seemed 
never to update
after the first render, so now I allocate a new Renderer each time. What 
is the appropriate
way to do this? What objects can I reuse (Renderer? Driver?) and what do 
I have
to reallocate each time. Also, what method should I call on the JFrame 
to force it
to refresh. Invalidate doesn't always seem to do it.   Thanks so much for
your help.

- Joshua

public class FOViewer {
 public static String TRANSLATION_PATH =
 JLabel previewImageLabel;
 JFrame frame;

 public void setup() {
try {
// create a new renderer

frame = new JFrame("fooboo");
previewImageLabel = new JLabel();

//  renderer.setProgressListener(frame);
} catch (Exception e) {

 public void refresh(InputStream in) {
try {
// set up the language stuff
String language = null;
if (language == null) {
try {
language = System.getProperty("user.language");
} catch(SecurityException se) {
// if this is running in a secure place
Translator resource = getResourceBundle(TRANSLATION_PATH + 
"resources." + language);
UserMessage.setTranslator(getResourceBundle(TRANSLATION_PATH + 
"messages." + language));
AWTRenderer renderer;
renderer = new AWTRenderer(resource);

// old stuff
FOInputHandler inputHandler = new FOInputHandler(new"/tmp/"));
XMLReader reader2 = inputHandler.getParser();

Driver driver = new Driver();
driver.render(reader2, inputHandler.getInputSource()); // old
//  driver.render(reader, new InputSource(in)); // new
BufferedImage pageImage = renderer.getLastRenderedPage();

//  frame.getContentPane().remove(previewImageLabel);
//  frame.invalidate();
//  frame.repaint();

//  previewImageLabel = new JLabel();
previewImageLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(pageImage));
//  frame.getContentPane().add(previewImageLabel);

u.p("done 1");

} catch (Exception e) {

 public static SecureResourceBundle getResourceBundle(String path) {
 InputStream in = null;

 try {
FOViewer foo = new FOViewer();
 URL url = foo.getClass().getResource(path);
 in = url.openStream();
 } catch (Exception ex) {
u.p("Can't find URL to: <" + path + "> " + ex.getMessage());
 return new SecureResourceBundle(in);


- Joshua

... but I still haven't found what I'm looking for.

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