Let's talk component software (or blame monolithic MicrosSoft)!

- Formatting has to be separated strictly from rendering
        o A clean and stable interface has to be defined (why not by data
representations of powerful PDF?)
        o The renderer has to control the processing sequence.

- FOP does what the XSL:FO specs say - no more and no less:
        o external-graphics are not really specified in XSL:FO, so let additional
attributes pass and let the renderer do the job.
        o foreign-object is by chance SVG: let foreign be foreign and pass
foreign-object's without checks thru to the renderer.

The area of contributors and hackers is renderers and foreign-objects, so
that the FOP core can be kept clean and preserved from release dependencies
(Batik, JAI etc.)

Hansuli Anderegg, Zurich

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