Vincent Hennebert wrote:
> Hi Jeremias,
> Jeremias Maerki wrote:
>> Hi Vincent,
>> hmmyes, that's tricky. An (atend) requires a corresponding comment in
>> the end, but <resources> is defined to provide at least one item. An
>> ugly work-around would be to always list "Helvetica" as needed resources
>> and to generate a corresponding %%IncludeResource although it might
>> never be used.
> FWIW, when optimization mode is off, /all/ of the base 14 fonts are
> %%IncludeResource:’d in the setup section of the document, whether they
> are actually used or not; And they aren’t listed in
> %%DocumentNeededResources:. I don’t know whether it’s another violation
> of the DSC specification or not.

Having just re-checked, it is.

>> At any rate, this happens only with the resource optimization disabled.
>> I think I'd add the missing (atend) but omit the trailer comment (when
>> there are no needed resources) in the hope that any consumer can deal
>> with it. We've never had any complaints about DSC comments that caused
>> trouble AFAICR.
> I guess using a document manager goes in pair with optimizing the
> PostScript output anyway.
> Thanks,
> Vincent
>> On 25.06.2010 13:07:51 Vincent Hennebert wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The PostScript Document Structuring Conventions Specification states
>>> that the %%DocumentNeededResources: comment can be specified in the
>>> %%Trailer section, but if this is the case it must also be present in
>>> the header with an (atend) value.
>>> This is not what FOP does. I suppose that that’s because external
>>> resources aren’t always needed (mainly, the base 14 fonts aren’t being
>>> used). But if they are then the document violates the DSC specification.
>>> There doesn’t seem to be any easy fix for that problem. We can’t
>>> systematically put it in the header because then it /must/ appear in the
>>> %%Trailer section as well. But if no base 14 font is used then it’s not
>>> needed. But if a base 14 font is used then I guess it’s too late when we
>>> know it, the header has already been produced. That kills a bit the
>>> utility of the (atend) feature.
>>> So... WDYT?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Vincent
>> Jeremias Maerki

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