Dear Umesh,

just saw that your email has not been answered yet: Your request was
based on an old version of fop, which is no longer supported. Please
retry with fop 0.95, and if the issue persist, open a bug report as
shown at:


2009/4/21  <>:
> Hi,
> I am the user of FOP project and need to seek your help on one of the issues
> I am struggling with.
> Attached file (.fo) contains the page that we render to the printer and
> causes the page break after following FO block.
> We are using FOP-0.20.4a FOP version. Also using the XSLT transformation
> file (attached) to transform HTML to .FO document before it is rendered to
> the printer.
> The FO document causing issue (attached) =
> corresponding xslt (attached )= xhtml2fo.xsl
> Your help is highly appreciated!!!
> <fo:block role="p" space-after="0.2em">
> <fo:inline font-weight="bold" role="b">Findings:</fo:inline>  A single polyp
> (measuring between 5 and 10 mm in size) was found in the hepatic
> flexure.<fo:external-graphic content-width="scale-to-fit" role="img"
> src="url('endoworks/servlet/ImageIconServlet?num=1&amp;jsessionid=1F6B27727915B4894F1ED63C8613E44A&amp;traceid=244')"/>
> The polyp was removed with a snare and placed in jar 1. A single polyp,
> measuring between 5 and 10 mm in size, was found in the splenic
> flexure.<fo:external-graphic content-width="scale-to-fit" role="img"
> src="url('endoworks/servlet/ImageIconServlet?num=3&amp;jsessionid=1F6B27727915B4894F1ED63C8613E44A&amp;traceid=245')"/>
> The polyp was removed by snare cautery polypectomy. A single polyp,
> measuring less than 5 mm in size, was found in the sigmoid. The polyp was
> removed by snare cautery polypectomy and placed in jar 3. There was evidence
> of moderately severe diverticulosis in the sigmoid. Small internal
> hemorrhoids were found in the rectum. There was evidence of a right
> colectomy in the hepatic flexure.<fo:external-graphic
> content-width="scale-to-fit" role="img"
> src="url('endoworks/servlet/ImageIconServlet?num=2&amp;jsessionid=1F6B27727915B4894F1ED63C8613E44A&amp;traceid=246')"/>
> </fo:block>
> regards, Umesh
> Medical Information Technologies
> Olympus America Inc.
> Tel: 484-896-5598

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