Re: Fwd: svn commit: r433291 ...

2006-08-21 Thread Patrick Paul

Andreas L Delmelle wrote:

Begin forwarded message:

snip /
Rework of default column-creation and setting column-widths from  the 
first row (fixes Bugzilla 35656)

For Patrick, only this tiny bit changes:

The following part is moved from TableLM to ColumnSetup. I see in the  
initial GSoC-patch that this is bypassed in case of auto-layout.  
Shouldn't be too much trouble adapting the patch to take this into  

-// either works out table of column widths or if  
proportional-column-width function
-// is used works out total factor, so that value of single  
unit can be computed.

-int sumCols = 0;
-float factors = 0;
-for (Iterator i = columns.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
-TableColumn column = (TableColumn);
-if (column != null) {
-Length width = column.getColumnWidth();
-sumCols += width.getValue(this);
-if (width instanceof TableColLength) {
-factors += ((TableColLength)  

-// sets TABLE_UNITS in case where one or more oldColumns  is 
defined using

-// proportional-column-width
-if (sumCols  getContentAreaIPD()) {
-if (tableUnits == 0.0) {
-this.tableUnits = (getContentAreaIPD() -  sumCols) / 

+/* initialize unit to determine computed values
+ * for proportional-column-width()
+ */
+if (tableUnit == 0.0) {
+this.tableUnit = columns.computeTableUnit(this);




In ColumnSetup­.getXOffset you use the width of the columns that are 
stored in the new ArrayList named colWidths that you created. The 
problem is that my algorigthm changes the widths of the columns but that 
isn't reflected in colWidths, so the returned offset isn't the right one.

Maybe I missed something, or should I be updating the colWidths 
ArrayList rather than widths of the columns directly ?

Thank you,


Re: svn commit: r433291 ...

2006-08-21 Thread Andreas L Delmelle

On Aug 21, 2006, at 23:08, Patrick Paul wrote:

snip /
Maybe I missed something, or should I be updating the colWidths  
ArrayList rather than widths of the columns directly?

Correct. Feel free to add accessors if that simplifies your work.

I decided to separate the widths from the columns, so in a farther  
future we may release the TableColumns themselves sooner (if we do  
the same for the borders and backgrounds).

