Thanks Thomas,

I guess anyone who includes images in SVG may get the same

We are delivering a report tool to client and the client is
complaining about the chart quality in pdf. Thus we are in a
hurry to solve this isse. 

If someone has already written some code to solve this issue,
please forward me some of your code.

If it is not too difficult, can you please give me some hint and
tell me which file should be changed? I guess probably we may
take some fop's code to solve this issue, becuase the
subsampling works fine in Fop.

Thanks a lot.


Subject: Re: Problem with scaling png image file in svg 
From: Thomas DeWeese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Date: Fri, 06 Feb 2004 06:25:45 -0500 


Jay Chiu wrote:

> I tried with Batik Squiggle for the png images. If I does not
> use <g transform="scale(xxx)">, the png image looks good in
> GUI, it does get scaled properly. But image with scale()
> transform attribute losses quality, and the png file
> by Squiggle is in bad quality. 

    The problem is that you are asking to subsample the image
too much.  The large image is reduced by 5x the small by 10x.
Batik does not prefilter for large subsample values so you
'loose' pixels with subsample values this high and the result
is aliasing effects.

    If anyone wants to write/contribute a block average or
a true prefiltered resample operation I'm sure it would be
appreciated.  I can help with plugging it into Batik in the
right spot.

> I am also sending the email to batik-user mail list. Hope
> team can also help.
> Attache please find a svg file , a source png file and
> generated
> png file.
> Thanks a lot.
> Jay

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