Re: How can I force a space in rendered output?

2003-01-24 Thread Paul Washinger

I use #160; and have not had any problems with this.

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Re: How can I force a space in rendered output?

2003-01-24 Thread J.Pietschmann
Patrick Dean Rusk wrote:
It doesn't work in the sense that the result of using the
fo:character character= 
is visually indistinguishable from leaving it out.
Ah, yes there is indeed a bug there:
public int addCharacter(char data, LinkSet ls, boolean ul) {
// if whitespace-collapse == true, discard character
if (Character.isSpaceChar(data)
 whiteSpaceCollapse == WhiteSpaceCollapse.TRUE) {
Bad idea... (should use addText, which also handles text decoration,
links and other stuff)
fo:block font-family=serif font-size=8pt
fo:character character=C/
xsl:value-of select=./
Note the three blocks above.  If I had to look at that and guess for 
whether there would be a space after the C, I would say the following:
1) Don't know.  Depends upon whether the new line is collapsed into a space.
2) I would give a higher probability of there being a space after the C,
because of the explicit extra spaces put in.
Well it pays off to learn the details of the tools you
are using. In this case, its XSLT's whitespace handling
in style sheets, well specified in
If you need whitespace in the transformation result,
use something like
  xsl:text /xsl:text
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