StackOverflow and normalize-space

2003-08-04 Thread Daniel Meyer-Delius
I get and StackOverflow error when using normalize-space for a given
string. The string is long, but not that long. Besides, stack overflow
sounds like a endless recursion or something like that. Has somebody
experience a similar problem?


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Re: StackOverflow and normalize-space

2003-08-04 Thread J.Pietschmann
Daniel Meyer-Delius wrote:
I get and StackOverflow error when using normalize-space for a given
string. The string is long, but not that long. Besides, stack overflow
sounds like a endless recursion or something like that. Has somebody
experience a similar problem?
It is not a good idea to base a post to the list on wild
For a start, FOP does not implement any funnction called
normalize-space, this is XSLT functionality. Whether the
stack overflow is caused by the XSLT processor or by FOP
or whether there is a causal link between using the function
and the error is anyones guess.
Advice for tracking down the problem:
1. Run the XSLT standalone (have a look into the FOP docs
  for hints). This will tell you whether the problem is
  in your XSLT and/or the XSLT processor or whether it
  is FOP. If it was the XSLT, track down which processor
  you use and ask there.
2. If there isn't anything remarkable in the transformation,
  feed the result into FOP. If an error occurs, run it again
  with the -d flag. If the error suddenly disappeared, check
  whether you used disable-output-escaping or indent=yes
  in the XSLT.
3. If you ask on the list, include
  - the FOP release number
  - the JDK release
  - the OS/platform, unless it's windows
  - whether you run FOP from the command line or embedded
  - if an exception occurs, the first lines of the stack trace
up to the second or third line containing apache (snip
the rest)
  - state the facts, refrain from guessing causes; you're
most probably wrong anyway
4. Include a small, self-contained and well formatted FO file
  which demonstrates the problem.
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