[foreman-users] Re: Foreman 1.15.3 and Katello 3.4: Foreman-proxy using real...@example.com instead of the set name

2017-11-21 Thread Alejandro Cortina

This is still happening with rhel 7.4 foreman 1.15.6 and katello 3.4

On Tuesday, August 29, 2017 at 11:44:40 PM UTC+9, evan@noaa.gov wrote:
> Repling with the trigger/fix to this issue, I am not sure what causes the 
> scenario tough. In /etc/foreman-proxy are two files: realm.yaml and  
> realm_freeipa.yaml. Foreman-installer appears to to ready and  modify 
> realm.yaml, while foreman-proxy is reading realm_freeipa.yaml. By 
> correcting the realm_freeipa.yaml from realm-...@example.com  
> to katello-serv...@idm.nwc.nws   to resolve the issue with Kerberos 
> credentials. There is probably still a bug somewhere in the installer that 
> needs to be found triggering this. 
> On Tuesday, August 29, 2017 at 1:10:12 AM UTC-5, evan@noaa.gov wrote:
>> This is a clean install on CENTOS 7.3 with 1.15.3 and 3.4.  As you can 
>> see from the debug when I attempt to create/provision a host Foreman tries 
>> to use realm...@example.com  rather than the principle 
>> setting of katello-serv...@idm.nwc.nws:
>> D, [2017-08-28T17:37:36.017066 ] DEBUG -- : freeipa: realm IDM.NWC.NWS
>> D, [2017-08-28T17:37:36.017346 ] DEBUG -- : freeipa: uri is 
>> https://nwcal-idm01.idm.nwc.nws/ipa/xml
>> D, [2017-08-28T17:37:36.017543 ] DEBUG -- : Making IPA call: 
>> ["host_show", ["nwcal-kvm1.nwc.nws"]]
>> D, [2017-08-28T17:37:36.022298 ] DEBUG -- : Requesting credentials for 
>> Kerberos principal realm-...@example.com  using keytab 
>> /etc/foreman-proxy/freeipa.keytab
>> E, [2017-08-28T17:37:36.023160 ] ERROR -- : Failed to initialise 
>> credential cache from keytab: krb5_get_init_creds_keytab: Key table entry 
>> not found
>> E, [2017-08-28T17:37:36.023990 ] ERROR -- : Failed to initailize 
>> credentials cache from keytab: krb5_get_init_creds_keytab: Key table entry 
>> not found
>> foreman-installer --help | grep realm
>> --foreman-proxy-freeipa-remove-dns  Remove DNS entries from FreeIPA 
>> when deleting hosts from realm (current: true)
>> --foreman-proxy-realm Enable realm management feature 
>> (current: true)
>> --foreman-proxy-realm-keytab  Kerberos keytab path to authenticate 
>> realm updates (current: "/etc/foreman-proxy/freeipa.keytab")
>> --foreman-proxy-realm-listen-on  Realm proxy to listen on https, 
>> http, or both (current: "https")
>> --foreman-proxy-realm-principal  Kerberos principal for realm updates 
>> (current: "katello-serv...@idm.nwc.nws")
>> --foreman-proxy-realm-provider  Realm management provider (current: 
>> "freeipa")
>> --foreman-proxy-realm-split-config-files  Split realm configuration 
>> files. This is needed since version 1.15. (current: false)
>> I am guessing there is either a setting being missed  in the 
>> configuration at install, or this setting is hanging on the install. Other 
>> than in the settings file, where is this set, or defaulted to?

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[foreman-users] Re: foreman_scc_manager error on sync

2017-11-21 Thread Christian Setzer
i wanted to add that a former colleague of mine has pachted the packages 
for katello 3.3 but so many changes were made since then that i cannot use 
his patches.
if i contribute those to the devs are you able to make this for all new 

Am Sonntag, 19. November 2017 10:10:08 UTC+1 schrieb Christian Setzer:
> 2017-11-19 10:09:02 c4bc264b [app] [I] Started GET 
> "/javascripts/foreman_scc_manager/scc_accounts.js" for at 
> 2017-11-19 10:09:02 +0100
> 2017-11-19 10:09:02 c4bc264b [app] [F]
>  | ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] 
> "/javascripts/foreman_scc_manager/scc_accounts.js"):
>  |   lib/middleware/tagged_logging.rb:18:in `call'
> anyone with a soilution to this?
> i add an account in the subscription page and try to sync for the first 
> time...

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[foreman-users] Re: foreman_scc_manager error on sync

2017-11-21 Thread Christian Setzer
sadly i dont have any screenshots or the error message anymore.
there were so many errors i ran into installing this plugin  but mostly 
because of my inexperience in installing plugins without a rpm package with 

for example nobody told me that i have to exit the scl enable tfm bash 
shell when running foreman-installer again... :D nasty errors came up there 
that cost me nearly a day and i started over from scratch in the mean time.

now the plugin is working more or less. i had to restore backup when i was 
running out of space with the repos sync. then none of the tasks were 
working correctly anymore after i increased filesystem size. something you 
may want to look into.

the problem im now having is that i need the katello agent and subscription 
manager packages for suse SLES11 and 12. without that and i say im not a 
developer i cannot really continue implementing this.

Am Sonntag, 19. November 2017 10:10:08 UTC+1 schrieb Christian Setzer:
> 2017-11-19 10:09:02 c4bc264b [app] [I] Started GET 
> "/javascripts/foreman_scc_manager/scc_accounts.js" for at 
> 2017-11-19 10:09:02 +0100
> 2017-11-19 10:09:02 c4bc264b [app] [F]
>  | ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] 
> "/javascripts/foreman_scc_manager/scc_accounts.js"):
>  |   lib/middleware/tagged_logging.rb:18:in `call'
> anyone with a soilution to this?
> i add an account in the subscription page and try to sync for the first 
> time...

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[foreman-users] Re: Training, Guru Labs? Anyone used them?

2017-11-21 Thread Dax Kelson
Hi Mike,

I'm the main author for this course. Guru Labs has been in business since 
1999 teaching and offering instructor led Linux and Linux related training. 
Our customers are primarily businesses who send their IT staff for 
training. We have multiple classes running each week in a variety of 
formats (online, onsite, in-person). Our training materials have a 
reputation for having in-depth lab lab exercises and we built a custom 
online classroom environment to host the classes that is specifically 
optimized for training and instructor/student interaction.

Our GL650 FOREMAN/KATELLO ADMINISTRATION course is a new offering we 
released in August. We've ran the class three times, including for the IRS. 
It uses Foreman 1.15.6 and Katello 3.4 and each student gets a large real 
world like lab environment to perform their lab exercises in. For example, 
at one point they PXE boot a "bare metal" machine with a blank hard drive 
to use the discovery plugin, and then later provision it.

The course also covers the differences between SAT6 were applicable.

I'm happy to answer any follow up questions you have.

Best regards,
Dax Kelson
Guru Labs

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Re: [foreman-users] Feedback wanted - migrate mailing lists to a forum?

2017-11-21 Thread Lukas Zapletal

I gave Discourse another try via e-mail but I have some issues:

1) Edits are not propagated to e-mail only users, I edited a post and
never got an e-mail about this. If this is a feature (I don't get
notification on my own edits), that's fine, but otherwise this creates
a huge hole as you can miss content.
2) It seems you can't reply to yourself via email, this often happens
if you need to correct yourself. This is because you need the reply
token, otherwise reply will lead to a new thread - this is broken in
many clients but some do have ability to correctly reply usually via
Reply to List feature (Mutt, Thunderbird via plugin). Discourse let
you opt-in to receive copies which makes your folder a mess and you
still need to wait because of (4).
3) All emails contain huge button to visit the thread, this is not an
email interface but notification with some ability to reply. Not a
great reading experience. Maybe we can edit the footer and make this a
very small text with just non-intrusive link?
4) Does not support text/plain emails, it just send both in MIME which
is "good enough" according to devs. I would love to *have* all emails
in plain text because integration with other things like mailing list
archives, bots or simply gmail users who cannot turn off HTML viewing
by default. Solving (3) might improve reading experience for poor
gmail users in HTML tho.
5) Email response is slow, I know there is some polling, but this is
simply limiting and web users are in advantage as they see the content
6) Your MUA is collecting "sent addresses" as these are randomized
addresses. Perhaps not a big deal.
7) Similarly to (1) there are tons of other actions in the web UI
without e-mail notifications - "mailing list" users are put aside.
8) It's a notification system not a mailing list interface, please do
carefully communicate this towards users.

If we choose to migrate, we will see users moving towards web UI not
because it's good with all the shiny features, but because mailing
list mode is terrible experience.

Now, on a different topic, with possible migration we will likely
loose 3rd party archives. Our groups are already being archived at
several places, for example the world famous:


The way this works is usually there is a registered user that receives
all e-mails creating such an archive. There are multiple similar
services, GMANE perhaps the second most well known and Nabble is also
in wide use. I want not to break having this read-only for-life
archive which anybody can user or download. It can still serve as a
read-only backup when the service is down (e.g. planned outages) and
most importantly if we experience some mailing list integration
misbehavior we can all look into the "archive" to see what is being
sent and how it looks in text mode. This will be also here as an
archive of all emails sent, because if someone edits an entry and
there will be discussion around the edit, we can always look into the
archive. At the end, it's how people using mailing list interface will
read all content.

Theoretically anybody can setup such an integration, but some
administration or contacting mail-archive people might be required in
order to make sure the account does not get deleted and receives all
(publicly visible) emails. Big question is how this will work with
Discourse "MIME only HTML+plain" format. Therefore I would like to
request this to be put on TODO list ideally with priority so we have
continuous mailing list archive for the future. Details are here:


In short, just "subscribe arch...@mail-archive.com to the mailing
list" and make sure the account does not get deleted (e.g. expiration
after X years). But something tells me this will fails and emails
coming from Discourse will not be readable in such an archive due to
MIME/HTML thing, let's see.

Then, you showed how easy is to import content into Discourse, but I
would like to read something about what is the plan if this whole
project fails. I tried to google some info about how to migrate from
it, but apart from some "data liberation" download links in weird
format (non-mbox/maildir) I could not find anything. We should at
least have a plan how to approach this and what our options are to
move back to mailing list.

And lastly, I see lukas_zapletal1 accounts, I was likely posting under
same name but different emails into the list. Is there some kind of
merge? Would like to only have one account with proper name, proper
nick and multiple emails owning all my posts. I briefly saw some
discussion around but I understand it is not possible, there are some
workarounds: https://meta.discourse.org/t/ability-to-merge-users/9220/75

On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 6:16 PM, Greg Sutcliffe  wrote:
> Hi all
> TL;DR lets migrate to Discourse (forum software, self-hosted). I hope
> you'll read the rest of this 

[foreman-users] VMware vCenter custom attributes

2017-11-21 Thread Claudio Signorini
Hi everyone,
there is a way in Foreman (I'm using 1.16-RC1) to write a vCenter custom 
I was not able to find a way in the documentation and in this group.

Claudio Signorini
InfoCert SpA

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Re: [foreman-users] Help: How to implement BTRFS partition scheme on bare metal Ubuntu install

2017-11-21 Thread Joop

On 20-11-2017 19:01, Stephen Nesbitt wrote:


Can anyone provide some guidance or resources on how to configure a 
bare metal install to implement a btrfs partitioning setup for an 
Ubuntu install? Specifically what I would like to do is the following:

  * create a btrfs filesystem using all available drives
  * create subvolumes for a defined set of directories (/home, /opt, etc)
  * generate a UUID based fstab

I'm assuming that this involves manipulating pressed files and some 
aspect of partman, but really don't know for sure.

Any guidance would be much appreciated.

I have done something like that for Debian recently and it just involves 
reading the templates. Pay attention to where certain snippets are 
included and what host.VARIABLES you can use and need to set at the 
various host/hostgroup levels.
The hardest part I found to be the partman partitioning layout commands. 
A small mistake makes it non-functional without a clear error message, 
as far as I know.



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