[foreman-users] Re: Foreman foreman_ansible plugin rest-api get ansible_roles

2017-08-29 Thread mobios

Hello Users,

   i swap from Foreman rest-api to directly query the Foreman database.
   It works well. 


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[foreman-users] Re: Foreman ansible callback plugin foreman_callback.py generate duplicate hosts in foreman

2017-08-28 Thread mobios

> Hello Michael,
   thanks for your effort.

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[foreman-users] Re: reports = none and foreman out-of-sync

2017-08-28 Thread mobios

> Hello Suresh,

   i think  Foreman needs the reports to recognize if your client had a 
puppetrun or not.
   I have:
   reports = log, foreman

  Why do you not change to just
  reports = foreman
  In your Foreman settings you have:

  Puppet interval and Out of sync interval.

  My puppet interval are 30 min and my Out of sync interval are 5 min.
  If Foreman dont receive reports within 35 min from a host this host
  change  to OUT_OF_SYNC



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[foreman-users] Foreman foreman_ansible plugin rest-api get ansible_roles

2017-08-28 Thread mobios
Hello Users,

Foreman: 1.15.3

Currently i write a dynamic inventory script for my ansible server.

I want retrieve all hosts and ansible_roles from my foreman server over
the rest api.

To get all hosts works well but i cant receive the ansible_roles. 

Url for all hosts -> https://foreman_server/api/v2/hosts (works well)

Url for ansible_roles -> https://foreman_server/api/v2/ansible/ansible_roles 
(dont work)

{"Status":"404","error":"Not found"}

I knew the restapi from Foreman and wrote a lot off scripts.

But i cant see any documantation for foreman_ansible plugin and restapi 

Anyone an idea ?


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[foreman-users] Re: Foreman ansible callback plugin foreman_callback.py generate duplicate hosts in foreman

2017-08-23 Thread mobios

Sorry i forgot the attachment. Now i added.

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[foreman-users] Re: foreman ans ansible playbook

2017-08-23 Thread mobios

did you set under Foreman settings/ansible the right user?
I had the same issue till i set the right username.


Am Dienstag, 1. August 2017 10:58:13 UTC+2 schrieb Arsène Gschwind:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to use ansible with foreman but when tying to execute an 
> ansible playbook I get the following error:
> fatal: [darla-hesley.vm.sapify.ch]: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": 
> "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: write: Broken pipe\r\n", 
> "unreachable": true}
>   to retry, use: --limit 
> @/tmp/foreman-playbook-9bc23404-2d9b-4c65-ad58-04a799263dc1.retry
> When running the playbook directly with ansible from the shell  it works 
> even when doing a sudo -u foreman-proxy.
> I'm not sure which user foreman is using to run playbooks, I've tried to 
> set the user in the foreman settings->ansible tab or even using the 
> parameter ansible_user on the host, neither did help.
> I'm running the following version:
> foreman : Version 1.15.2
> katello: 3.4.2
> foreman-tasks: 0.9.4
> ansible
> Thanks for any help
> rgds,
> Arsène

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[foreman-users] Re: Foreman deleting host leaves certificate on puppetserver intact

2017-04-27 Thread mobios
Problem is solved. I forgot: edit host -> and then set to managed :)

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[foreman-users] Foreman deleting host leaves certificate on puppetserver intact

2017-04-19 Thread mobios

Hello Foreman user,

Puppetserver 4.10.0
Foreman: 1.14.3
Foreman-Proxy: 1.14.3

After upgrading to puppetserver 4 deleting hosts in Foreman  leaves 
certificate on puppetserver intact.



# PuppetCA managment
:enabled: https
:ssldir: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl
:puppetdir: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet


:enabled: https
:puppet_version: 4.10.0

Puppetserver and Foreman are on same machine. Foreman-Proxy is running.
If i delete a host in Foreman i can see nothing in the logfile


But the communication between Foreman and Foreman-Proxy are OK.

If i list all signed certificates in Foreman and look in the logfile 
/var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log i see

Found puppetca at /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet
Found sudo at /usr/bin/sudo
Executing /usr/bin/sudo -S /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet cert --ssldir 
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl --list --all

and in Foreman i see all signed certificates.

Any idea? Can anyone help please.


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Re: [foreman-users] Foreman api v2 post filter

2016-11-15 Thread mobios
Thank for your answer Thomas.

My Problem is resolved.
I used Curl against the Restapi and i realized i need one more parameter in 
my http request.

Your ideas were very usefull.

Best regards

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[foreman-users] Foreman api v2 post filter

2016-11-14 Thread mobios
*Hi All,*

*Currently i try to automate any tasks over foreman api v2.I want to create 
a usergroup, a role and any filtersI already done to create a usergroup and 
a role code snippet below.*

## Usergroup creation

def checkusergroup(usergroupurl, usergroup, user, password)
  restget = RestClient.get "#{usergroupurl}"
if restget.include?(usergroup)
  return true
  return false

def setusergroup(usergroupurl, usergroup, user, password)
  body = { :usergroup => {
:name => "#{usergroup}"
  response = RestClient.post("#{usergroupurl}", body.to_json, 
{:content_type => 'application/json', :accept => 'application/json'})

unless checkusergroup(usergroupurl, usergroup, user, password)
  setusergroup(usergroupurl, usergroup, user, password)

## Role creation

def checkroles(rolesurl, role, user, password)
  restget = RestClient.get "#{rolesurl}"
if restget.include?(role)
  return true
  return false

def setrole(rolesurl, role, user, password)
  body = { :role => {
 :name => "#{role}"
  response = RestClient.post("#{rolesurl}", body.to_json, {:content_type => 
'application/json', :accept => 'application/json'})

unless checkroles(rolesurl, role , user, password)
  setrole(rolesurl, role, user, password)

*Unfortunately i have problems to create my own filter. (code below)*

def sethostfilter(hostfilterurl, role, user, password)
 body = { :filter => {
:role_id => "700"
  response = RestClient.post("#{hostfilterurl}", body.to_json, 
{:content_type => 'application/json', :accept => 'application/json'})
sethostfilter(hostfilterurl, role, user, password)

*In this case i get always a errormessage.*
*Message: 422 Unprocessable Entity*

Can anybody help?


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