Re: Pád programu při neaktivitě [66488]

2016-01-14 Tema obsahu Pavel Vančák
nevím, zda by Honzovi pomohl výpis z Dependency Walkeru

nejspíš bude nějaká systémová knihovna, kterou mj. PSPad využívá, v
nějaké neočekávané verzi nebo "nahrazená" od nějakého podezřelého

(PSPad 4.6.1 (2707), W7p x64 cs a W8.1 x64 cs)

PSPad freeware editor

=?windows-1250?Q?Re:_Jak_se_d=E1_p=F8i=F8adit_kl._zkratka_konkr=E9tn=EDmu_konvertoru?_[66487= ]?=

2016-01-14 Tema obsahu Pavel Vančák
mno, pokud by Honza přidal možnost spuštění makra/skriptu z commandline,
tak by sis pro tenhle účel mohl napsat baťák...

(PSPad 4.6.1 (2707), W7p x64 cs a W8.1 x64 cs)

PSPad freeware editor

Re: skripting - runPSPadAction [66486]

2016-01-14 Tema obsahu Pavel Vančák
omlouvám se, mě bývala stačila reakce, že jste to četl;-)
doufám, že jste v novém roce pln elánu (tak jako každý:-D)

(PSPad 4.6.1 (2707), W7p x64 cs a W8.1 x64 cs)

PSPad freeware editor

Re: 4.6.1 (2707) external diff tool: Paths broken if they contain spaces [s= olved] [66485]

2016-01-14 Tema obsahu syntech
Of course not. I just didn't remember that parameter (kind of Alzheimer?). I've
made the change as suggested and now it's working. So, mea culpa and thanks!


PSPad freeware editor

Re: 4.6.1 (2707) external diff tool: Paths broken if they contain spaces [6= 6484]

2016-01-14 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala

I can't change the path, because PSPad does it for me. I have one file open and
right-click on the tab of another file and select TextDiff (or so).

Parameters for your external tool:
Program settings / Text difference
Diff tool parameters:
"%File1%" "%File2%"

Not all problems are caused by PSPad. This one isn't.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: 4.6.1 (2707) external diff tool: Paths broken if they contain spaces [6= 6483]

2016-01-14 Tema obsahu syntech
I can't change the path, because PSPad does it for me. I have one file open and
right-click on the tab of another file and select TextDiff (or so).


PSPad freeware editor

Re: 4.6.1 (2707) external diff tool: Paths broken if they contain spaces [6= 6482]

2016-01-14 Tema obsahu Vlastimil Brom

I just found out that paths to external diff tools won't work if they contain
spaces somewhere. 

I haven't checked the implementation here, but just a trivial possibility would
be to enclose the path between quotes: "...".
Can this possibly help?


PSPad freeware editor

4.6.1 (2707) external diff tool: Paths broken if they contain spaces [66481= ]

2016-01-14 Tema obsahu syntech
I just found out that paths to external diff tools won't work if they contain
spaces somewhere. In my case I want to find differences in file1.txt and

c:\Portable\1gb Stick\_Software\office\PSPad\file1.txt
c:\Portable\1gb Stick\_Software\office\PSPad\file2.txt

This path is transferred to the external diff tool as _c:\Portable\1gb_
(for the first file) and _Stick\_Software\office\PSPad\file2.txt_ (for the
second file)


PSPad freeware editor