I would like to suggest a small improvement for the autocomplete (AC) function:

If AC is active and it presents the choice list, TAB should fill the current
word up to all chars which are identical to all results.

Here's what I mean:
I have 5 functions, with the following names:


Now I type 'calc' and the AC presents all the above mentioned functions. If I
press TAB now, it would be great if AC would automatically complete to current
word to 'calc_val_for_', because this identical for all entries. Now I could
type a, and AC presents only 2 entries. Ideally it would hightlight
'calc_val_for_a(...)', in such case I only need to hit ENTER and voila, a long
name entered pretty fast.

Can this be done, please?

PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

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